CORN | gpmoney. Saltier than a bag of chips.
MI FGC General Discussion page
Michigan Fighting Game Community
Midwest Fighting Game Community
Michigan twitch account
Tournament info
=== LOCATION ===
Schoolcraft VisTaTech Center & Waterman Campus Center
- Waterman Lower Level
Google Maps link:
Quick driving map:
Campus map:
FREE! Can't miss the big, open N Parking lot.
=== PRICING ===
$5 venue fee - If you want to enter a tournament or play casuals you must pay venue fee. Spectating is free!
WAIVE YOUR VENUE FEE: Bring a full FGC setup for casuals and get your venue fee waived. Bring a full Smash setup (TV + Wii + Brawl/P:M) for tournament and get your venue fee waived.
Pricing for individual tournaments is listed for each game in the schedule
All tournaments pay out to top-3 at 70%/20%/10% if there are 8 players or more, any less and pay out goes to top-2 at an 80%/20% split.
Listed above are the 3 main resources used to keep in touch with fellow MI players.
By joining the MI FGC page you will be invited to the casual meetings for games and also local MI tournament . In the MI Discussion page you can Chat with fellow MI players and will be invited to events also. The Midwest page is the same but with Midwest player. Please feel free to join, watch the Twitch archives for past tournament to see if you are interested. Remember you do not have to enter tournaments if you do not want to. It is recommended to join the group for updates in case there is a change to our scheduling of casuals and tournament play. hope this thread is helpful to anyone from Michigan or Midwest who did not know of the community or just want to level up. We do travel to Majors incase you would are interested, Carpooling is your best friend lol.
We meet up every Monday for free casual matches (again It is recommended to join the group for updates in case there is a change to our scheduling of casuals and tournament play). here you can have some casual matches with some of MI finest or just watch, bowl, drink and have fun. Games played are usually Injustice, SSF$ AE, UMVC3, TTT2, DOA5U ext. Remember you can bring your own set up and play whatever you like.
This about sums it up. If there are any questions or is anything I missed feel free to let me know and Ill update.
Michigan Fighting Game Community
Midwest Fighting Game Community
Michigan twitch account
Tournament info
=== LOCATION ===
Schoolcraft VisTaTech Center & Waterman Campus Center
- Waterman Lower Level
Google Maps link:
Quick driving map:
Campus map:
FREE! Can't miss the big, open N Parking lot.
=== PRICING ===
$5 venue fee - If you want to enter a tournament or play casuals you must pay venue fee. Spectating is free!
WAIVE YOUR VENUE FEE: Bring a full FGC setup for casuals and get your venue fee waived. Bring a full Smash setup (TV + Wii + Brawl/P:M) for tournament and get your venue fee waived.
Pricing for individual tournaments is listed for each game in the schedule
All tournaments pay out to top-3 at 70%/20%/10% if there are 8 players or more, any less and pay out goes to top-2 at an 80%/20% split.
Listed above are the 3 main resources used to keep in touch with fellow MI players.
By joining the MI FGC page you will be invited to the casual meetings for games and also local MI tournament . In the MI Discussion page you can Chat with fellow MI players and will be invited to events also. The Midwest page is the same but with Midwest player. Please feel free to join, watch the Twitch archives for past tournament to see if you are interested. Remember you do not have to enter tournaments if you do not want to. It is recommended to join the group for updates in case there is a change to our scheduling of casuals and tournament play. hope this thread is helpful to anyone from Michigan or Midwest who did not know of the community or just want to level up. We do travel to Majors incase you would are interested, Carpooling is your best friend lol.
We meet up every Monday for free casual matches (again It is recommended to join the group for updates in case there is a change to our scheduling of casuals and tournament play). here you can have some casual matches with some of MI finest or just watch, bowl, drink and have fun. Games played are usually Injustice, SSF$ AE, UMVC3, TTT2, DOA5U ext. Remember you can bring your own set up and play whatever you like.
This about sums it up. If there are any questions or is anything I missed feel free to let me know and Ill update.