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Meter drain glitch


Is it known exactly what triggers the meter glitch?

I'd been under the impression that it was caused by getting hit on the first frame of an enhanced move and being knocked out of it before armor activates. However, recently my friend picked up Cage and I've noticed that I'll get the meter drain glitch without ever letting go of block.

Anyone know exactly how it works?


when you come out of block and do the enhanced move during a frame trap/ blockstring you lose the meter but continue to block. iv'e , as stated that it happens on the first frame
So you block the attack, never come out of the block animation, and they hit you on the frame the move would have been?

When I'm Raiden I get it when I buffer teleport, then change my mind and my finger never leaves block. It's pretty infuriating

Derpin Errday

Dojo Trainee
So you block the attack, never come out of the block animation, and they hit you on the frame the move would have been?

When I'm Raiden I get it when I buffer teleport, then change my mind and my finger never leaves block. It's pretty infuriating
It may feel like your finger never leaves block,but it does.

Deleted member 9158

I've lost up to two bars of meter at once randomly. Shit sucks, but that's MK9 for you!

Matador Fiend

Dojo Trainee
The last time I played Sektor, I lost 3 bars of meter due to this in one round. I blamed it on the character just because and havent used him since lol


You're probably accidentally hitting ex~tele but he's hitting you on the first frame.
What is the first frame? If you were blocking before executing the move is the first frame still in block? and when you say hit it means 'connected with your block' rather than something like 'on hit' when talking about frame advantage?

I'm just confused because I get the glitch while blocking, I dunno if I don't understand the terminology or what. When you say getting hit on the first frame I picture starting the move and it getting stuffed the second it starts, but I'm losing meter when my character is standing there in block animation the whole time, never getting hit by an attack or giving any visual cue that any move was attempted.

I also feel fairly certain that I am actually holding block the whole time, that my finger doesn't leave it and it shouldn't be possible that I'm performing an ex move, but I mess up inputs all the time so it's entirely possible I'm messing up there. I think later I'm going to try taping the trigger down or something and trying to see if I can get it
It's unintentional but I love it! When you poke someone out of an armour attack your just like " oh yeah!!" And when it happens to you your all like fuuuuuuuuuuu!
It's awesome going both ways ;)


The Free Meter Police
the meter drain glitch happens when you execute a move with meter and they hit you on the 1st frame of the move. And yes, it can happen so fast that if you hold block when you do your ex move, you will continue to stay in block. But you do have to let go of block for it to happen. Even if it's just for 1 frame.
That's how all meter drains are... you don't look like you stop blocking, but your meter just goes away. It happens to me all the time trying to EX shake tight 2-3f windows


Do not touch me again.
I've had an X-ray get meter drained before. Wasn't the end of the round, either. Watching all three bars drain was really depressing tho :(


Alright, so is there any good strategy to avoid getting meter drained? Just don't press buttons while they hit you?


The Free Meter Police
Alright, so is there any good strategy to avoid getting meter drained? Just don't press buttons while they hit you?
Time your ex-moves better. That's about all you can do haha. If you have someone to do strings on you in training mode, that would be best