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Meter-Burning Interactables in INJUSTICE by Pig of the Hut


As it is quite clear that interactables in Injustice will be a big deal in how a match can go, Pig of the Hut has uploaded a useful video explaining which ones are more beneficial. He shows and explains how simply hitting the interables button and the meter button can help you get out of tough situations. He notes that not all of these interactables are meter-burnable, but the ones that are for "power" characters could prove to be very beneficial in match-ups.
Source: PigHut



Master of Quanculations
Great video! I`m gonna have to take this stuff into account in my long journey to find a character to play in this insane game. Sorry about the pig, though. Really. I know that must have been hard on you.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Pig Of The Hut, awesome video man. I randomly found out that some of these were MB-able by mistake...but I had no clue how many hits of armor they had. Thanks a bunch; great tech vid.


Hypnosis > Dreameater (its a reset)
unblockable fully armored moves? now thats a bit broken. i always considered that interectables were interuptable thusly making them a bit balanced, but now for a bar supes can guarantee he hits you with that space ship? then go through the rest for that bs meterless 91% combo? thats pathetic, i under stand boon loves his interactables but making them armored while theyre already unblock able is just too much