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Mercy comebacks

Out of curiousity, do you try to win when someone does a mercy on you, or do you let them win? And if you end up fighting, how many times have you successfully made a comeback?
I have been shown mercy only once in my life. My Friend beats me with Jax
friend: "FINISH HER!!" I finally beat you!!! YESSS!!!
Me: good job!
friend: how's that fatality done again...?
Me: stand far.
friend: okay, now what?
me: hold run, press down four times, release.
friend: okay...hey wait a minute, WTF?!!!!!
*comeback happened, lol.
a long time ago in MK3 this happened, ahh good times.
abc ur dead0 said:
Was it Blk album or red psychosis I made the comeback of the centtry against them. Rockzilla was in the room. Man we laughed....
What about like 2 months ago when I got you in the corner inf and I dropped you by accident with my full health and I STILL lost? :oops:

abc ur dead0 said:
Was it Blk album or red psychosis I made the comeback of the centtry against them. Rockzilla was in the room. Man we laughed....
Yeah, that was against Blk Album.. rofl.

ON topic: I usually don't try to get back at them, because I don't wanna seem like a dick or anything. Sometimes in friendly matches I'll do it though.
eyekramer said:
I came back from a flawless victory with a mercy and then babalitized the guy. He left.
:shock: or :roll:

I'm torn!

I always try to make a comeback unless I know of the person then I just jump around to at least make them work for the last hit.
Rockzilla220 said:
abc ur dead0 said:
Was it Blk album or red psychosis I made the comeback of the centtry against them. Rockzilla was in the room. Man we laughed....
What about like 2 months ago when I got you in the corner inf and I dropped you by accident with my full health and I STILL lost? :oops:

You dropped me at 98% damage done...

so many times, some annoyingly scrubbish Sub-Zero will just freeze/jump and annoy me, and get a flawless.. But mercy..

And I flawless right bacl >3
This is a funny story.

My wife and I got into a little heated debate about something dumb right after I won a round. Well needless to say, I was to busy trying to convey my point and the guy got 2 flawless victories on me. I happen to look at the tv and see the "mercy" and then him attempting a jump kick, which I aaHp'd and turned into stryker's infinite. I can only imagine what he was feeling...
I don't know if I posted this before or not, but Mercys are fun as hell.

Its like, it should be a neccessity to do a mercy on the 3rd round. If you don't do a mercy on the 3rd round it shows your a greedy little bastard who must win. I don't care if i'm on danger I will still mercy, because its a whole nother adrenaline rush. Its fun.