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Menu background - what is it?

MK Dragon

Okay, seriously, WTF is it supposed to be? It looks like tubes / bars hanging like those islands in Avatar. In some parts it kind of looks like a city skyline with just tall buildings, signifying timelines with the other end being upside down? To me it's just generic AF and would be great if we'd get more options, especially with Ultimate coming out. They should give us an Outworld theme, Shang Tsung island / Tagawa theme, Jinsei White Lotus theme, God theme, Cyber Lin Kuei, Shirai-Ryu and a Tarkatan one for example :)

Art Lean

I've always assumed it's meant to be the crystalline rock from what Time Krystals would be made, like they're the residual formations caused by the energy of her creating new time lines?

If you go to the Character Kustomize menu you can see one of the floating rock formations much closer as the podium for your character. It clearly appears to be a dimension between time, space and realms, the floor resembles Kronika's architecture, so for me it always made sense that it's the place she mines the Time Krystals from, which presumably have a fictional in-universe purpose beyond being just real-world currency for the online store?