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Megaman Legends 3 Canceled. Vent here if you need to.


How's my volume?
So, Capcom being the shit it is today, decided that, "Hey, these fans have been waiting 10 years for this game, and we've gotten them working closely with the developers on this, since this is all for them. Hey, you know what'd be a good idea right now, 3 days before Comicon? Cancel that shit like we did Megaman Universe! Oh, what? We promised that whether or not we made that decision would be up to how well the prototype did? Nah fuck that! And let's completely drop the project, make no plans for it to be picked up ever again, and drop the Dev Room idea entirely, because fuck the fans! This totally doesn't have anything to do with Inafune-san leaving, what are you talking about? Oh, and let's tell them thanks for supporting us and Megaman and its future, even though it has none."
And thus everything Capcom related, from its Facebook, to Capcom-unity is filled with rage. So I decided to bring it over in case you didn't know and felt like venting some anger in a controlled environment.

Me? Words can't express how angry I am. My arm is literally twitching as I write this, thinking about getting my hands on anyone of those suits who made this decision. I don't think my heart can take the rage and disappointment.


II could care less about cancelling universe but cancelling legends? really? r.i.p rockman, after the creator left capcom this shit is to be expected