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Me at a local tournament


Master of Quanculations
Undefeated in qualifying pools, made top 8. Unfortunately my first fight was against my friend's Nightwolf. I lost a truly epic final battle with him, knocking me into losers. Looking back, I really wasn't using Kenshi to the max. I never used the 2 1 B2 strings or pokes, or the 1 1 4. Though my experience is really pushing me in the direction of turning my Kenshi into a zoning nightmare. Next, I beat a smoke with my quan. And then I came up against an Ermac that I beat in the preliminaries.

I can't really defend how I did in the last rounds. I had totally shut down the ermac player with my zoning hell. But then I got sloppy and greedy. I started jumping, against ERMAC. I don't know why I did it... I feel like shit for playing so badly and throwing away a match that I was clearly controlling. I'll do better next time.

In good news, my friend Belicoff took 1st place after fighting his way out of losers.