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Maybe a stupid question..

But what does the ~ mean in the guides. For instance I am trying to do scorpions
b2, jk~teleport combo. And I cannot for the life of me seem to land the teleport. I can do it maybe 5% of the time.

Does it need to be done very quickly?

Lastly, what does whiff mean?! I guessed it meant missing a hit?

Thanks in advance guys, awesome forum and really helpful.


ticktickboom -

I might be wrong, but I BELIEVE, that's a "cancel" . . . essentially if you're trying to jk~teleport combo there's a way to do it where the input is entered and executed within an certain set of frames. So like it's kind of a timing thing.

I do this with Kano sometimes with d, bk and I could even begin to explain to somebody when to do it, you have to kind of feel it out. If I'm wrong, please somebody correct me, I like to know this shit too. And I'm pretty newb.


Yeah ~ is normally canceling "recovery frames" of a normal move (your jk for example) into a special move (teleport punch.) It requires a bit of timing but normally you need to do it very quick especially if your move is coming out but not connecting (I know nothing of scorpion though so take that with a grain of salt).

Whiff = missed move. If somebody wiffs a move they are at a severe disadvantage because their opponent can move long before they can and usually can punish with a combo if within range. As opposed to having a move blocked where having your opponent block a move puts them into "hit stun" so they can't react quite as fast.

Hope thats helpful
Ahh that clears things up, I guess it's a timing thing, I'm landing them far more consistently now at least.

Thanks very much for your help!