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[May 9, 2015] New Challengers: Resistance 4 MKX/Ultra/UMVC3/XRD & More (Norwalk, CT)

New Challengers returns with the 4th installment of its succesful Resistance Tournament Series! Come join us once again as the best players in the Tri State and New England converge in Connecticut to display some of the best skills in fighting games around.

When: Saturday May 9th 2015
Venue Opens: 11 am
Onsite Registration: 11:30 am to 12:45 pm
Time: 2 pm - 11 pm

Pre registration: http://http://newchallengers.com/resistance-4-pre-registration

*Early bird pre registration special $15 venue till April 4th*

After this pre registration will be $20
Onsite registration: $25

Onsite Registration: 11:30 am to 12:45 pm If you did not pre register this is your last chance

Game list:

Smash 4
Smash Bros Melee
Smash Bros Melee Doubles
Project M
Project M Doubles
Killer Instinct
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Ultra Street Fighter 4

Schedule coming soon

If you want to see your game added please reach out to me [email protected]

Prizes is split pot at:

70% for 1st
20% for 2nd
10% for 3rd

Venue Fee: You must pay venue if your just playing casuals Games:


GGXRD: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF
Smash 4: EVO Ruleset
Killer Instinct: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF
UMVC3: 3 out of 5 Entire Tournament
USF4: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF
MKX: 2 out of 3, 3 out of 5 for WF/LF/GF

-Coaching players mid match as in to interfere/distract the opposing players is strictly prohibited. - People doing this will be asked to leave the playing area the 1st time. The 2nd time they will be asked to leave the venue. This is also up to the event organizer(New Challengers) discretion

USF4&UMVC3: is being run on Xbox 360,
Killer Instinct is being run on Xbox One
Smash 4: WiiU
monitor: Asusvh236h
Tournament fee: $10 per game (smash doubles is $5 per person)

Main Stream:

We will have setups separately in the back, so you can play casuals while waiting for your turn in the tournament. Also feel free to bring in your own setup to play the game you want(space permitting)