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[May 18, 2013] Saturday Slugfest XI (Lynnwood, WA)


"THIS IS IT!! The last event to get your PNWR2E Points for the EVO2013 Sponsorships!!
Raffle tickets will still be available for gathering up until May 30th's Thursday event.
We have a lot of people in the 4th - 12th positions and only the top 8 make it to the Finals, so this event will determine a lot about the Grand Finals on Friday at NWMV.

3333 184th St SW, Suite D
Lynnwood, WA 98037

Entry and Venue:
Venue Fee: $5
VIP Venue Fee: $10 (inc the $5 Venue Fee)
AE, Marvel, VF5 and Injustice: $10 per Game
Other Games: $5 per Game

Games List:
AE 2012 ($10)
UMvC3 ($10)
Injustice ($10)
VirtuaFighter 5 ($10)
KoF13 ($5)
SCV ($5)
MK9 ($5)
Persona 4 ($5)
Tekken Tag 2 ($5)
SFxT 2013 ($5)
DOA5 ($5)

1:00pm - Doors Open
3:00pm - Injustice, SCV, SFxT, DOA5
5:00pm - TT2, UMvC3, KoF,MK9 + VIP Section opens
7:00pm - AE2012, P4, VF5

11 or Less people: 75%, 25%
12 or More people: 70%. 20%, 10%

Pacific Northwest Road to EVO2013:
AE and Marvel entries gain points based on finish place.
Every Registration/Venue gets a raffle ticket for the 3rd Sponsorship raffle.
This is the LAST EVENT in the PNWR2E Series

Bring a FULL set up and get Free Venue at this event.
Bring a Monitor only and get $1 off Venue
Bring a Xbox or PS3 and Disks only and get $1 off Venue

We need 6 Set Ups. 5 Xbox and 2 PS3. First to arrive receive discount. If you bring yours and we have hit the limit, then you can either donate your set up for the event or put it back in your car. We can always use more, but we have limited funds we can play with for discounts and still maintain the financial integrity of the event.
Discount priority goes to complete set ups before parts."

Also after last month's debut of Injustice there is a VERY high chance of the game being ran on XBOX 360s instead of PS3s. It should be determined within the next week or two.


From last month the stage selection rules:

Stage select: 1st match is complete Random Stage based on what appears on Character Select
Loser can choose from these 3 options:
1. Rematch with current character and Stage
2. Return to character select for a new Random Stage with the same character
3. Pick a new character with a Random Stage


Courtesy of Osirun here's his reasoning behind stage selection(which I do agree with):

"I do not feel that the 50/50 tool is as valuable as a completely random stage selection because if the 50/50 tends to favor one player over another, the player on the losing end can make a good case for an unfair situation. This is because the players were allowed a preference, and limited the options to only 2 out of 29 (when taking into account all levels within the stages). If the stage is selected completely at random, then there is less ability to cry foul because neither player had any say in which of the 29 options the game randomly chose. Even though a random select of the 29 options may consistently favor one player over another, the elimination of player preference that influences the game's random choice makes for a more fair situation overall. This method of random stage select is proven in a similar game (SCV) and that is why I will go with it for my IJ events until further notice."

Tournament Etiquette
We are expecting larger than usual numbers for Injustice's release which means that keeping the bracket moving along quickly is of great importance both due to the time players have available and in keeping the event enjoyable for everyone.
* If you are in multiple games, let your bracket runners know
* Before lending out your stick, confirm with your bracket runner that you don't have a match coming up
* If you are on commentary, your first priority is playing out your matches. Inform the stream that you have to attend to your match and, if possible, we will find someone else for commentary. I do not want players on commentary holding up our event.
* If you are going to step outside, let your bracket runner know. This might work out to your benefit if there's a long wait before your next match."