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Tech Match Up Specific Tech

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
So as you guys may or may not know I've explored this character extensively and have found bits of tech here and there. I have previously been reluctant to post it (mostly due to lack of interest from the people I've talked to about this and other stuff) but in an effort to move our Arrow kommunity forward and level us all up, I have here my first bit of character specific tech. I'll (hopefully) post more soon depending on how this goes..

B13 on block allows for either a F2D13 (as most people already know) or a safe Hurricane Bow. The way this works is that depending on the way they block B13, it kreates different pushback. Fortunately for us the string is slow enough to konfirm which way they blocked and adjust accordingly. The four different ways of blocking are Standing then Standing (SS), Standing then Krouching (SC), Krouching then Krouching (CC), and Krouching then Standing (CS).

What we need to do:
-Test it on every character we kan.
-Remember to test the different kombinations (SS SC CC CS) and to test if F2 konnects on both krouch blocking and stand blocking after the B13 is blocked (since thanx to wonky hitboxes it sometimes konnects one way and not the other)...
-Remember not to kancel into Hurricane Bow when testing it's safety. Kanceling into it leaves Arrow kloser.

I have already went through some characters (kompleted names are Red). If you want to test a character just post here saying which one you're going to test (so that no one wastes their time testing the same one) and make sure to tag me so I update the list to show that it's being worked on (name will be in Green). [You don't have to wait for me to update that it's being worked on, just get started and I'll get around to updating. People should be checking the recent posts anyway, the updating is more for people to not have to check past the few recent posts.]

If it turns out that there is a pattern I may group characters into kategories...

HB: SS SC Both Punishable (B12)


HB: SS SC Both Punishable (D1)

HB: SS SC Both Punishable (D3)

F2: CC

Note: Parry is an option after B13 on HB pushback.

Black Adam
F2: CC
HB: SS SC CS All Punishable (D3)



HB: SS SC Both Punishable (B2)

HB: D1 Punishes All

HB: SS CS Both Punishable (BF2 & DB3)

Green Arrow
HB: All Punishable (D1)

Misc: F2 doesn't wiff on stand block but it does on krouch block after CC

Green Lantern
F2: Wiffs
HB: All Punishable (B1)

Harley Quinn

HB: SC Punishable (D1)


Killer Frost
F2: CC

Note: Parry is an option after B13 on HB pushback.
Misc: F2 doesn't wiff on krouch block but it does on stand block after CS and SC

Lex Luthor

Martian Manhunter
F2: CC
HB: SS SC CS All Punishable (Trait 11)

Misc: F2 doesn't wiff on krouch block but it does on stand block after CS

HB: None

F2: CS
HB: All Punishable (11)
Misc: F2 doesn't wiff on stand block but it does on krouch block after CC


Red Hood


HB: SS SC Both punishable (D2/Herculean Might/F12)


Solomon Grundy

F2: CC
HB: All Punishable (F23)

Wonder Woman

F2: None
HB: SS SC CS All Punishable (BF2/BF3)

Misc: F2 doesn't wiff on stand block but it does on krouch block after CC
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@Red Reaper


F2: SS,CC,CS (can back dash after B13 to avoid F2 pressure)
HB: SS,SC,CC,CS (all punishable by D2, Herculean Might, F12,), (CC is punished by everything including 22), (can back dash after B13 to avoid HB Pressure)

I hope I did this right, lol
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Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
@Red Reaper


F2: SS,CC,CS (can back dash after B13 to avoid F2 pressure)
HB: SS,SC,CC,CS (all punishable by D2, Herculean Might, F12,), (CC is punished by everything including 22), (can back dash after B13 to avoid HB Pressure)

I hope I did this right, lol
If you did it right they shouldn't be able to backdash F2. From my testing they kould backdash Hurricane Bow. Either way it doesn't matter if they were able to backdash (ie: doesn't matter if you messed up), what matters is the spacing. Did F2 reach? I mess it up all the time since training mode doesn't allow you to make them block when recording. You'll notice that they kan't backdash because when you actually set the komputer to block B13 into F2D13, they don't even get the start up of the reversal (when done right). That and B13 is +15, and F2 is 13 Frames and the spacing isn't too far where travel time becomes that big of a factor.

Also, for Hurricane Bow. I listed the spacings where Hurricane Bow had no moves (or few moves) that kould punish it. Usually this spacing is where F2 wiffs but there are kases like Catwoman where they over lap. In Shazam's kase, since he's so broken, Hurricane Bow is always punishable, but both CC and CS leave Arrow kloser and kan be punished by 22. So in this kase I would list SS and SC under HB with the note that they are punishable.

My idea is to list it this way in kase you want or need to be gimmicky and this way they have a harder time punishing you since only 12 frame or faster moves kan punish Hurricane Bow and in some instances they have to be on point. Once they start waiting for that, then you kan mix in other options. Or if they start backdashing, then you have slide or arrows at your disposal to katch backdashes. Also, some punishes are even trades since they don't do much damage and you build meter both from getting hit and having Hurricane Bow blocked.

PS: Sorry for the wall of text but it's hard to explain this stuff without a ton of words.
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If you did it right they shouldn't be able to backdash F2. From my testing they kould backdash Hurricane Bow. Either way it doesn't matter if they were able to backdash (ie: doesn't matter if you messed up), what matters is the spacing. Did F2 reach? I mess it up all the time since training mode doesn't allow you to make them block when recording. You'll notice that they kan't backdash because when you actually set the komputer to block B13 into F2D13, they don't even get the start up of the reversal (when done right). That and B13 is +15, and F2 is 13 Frames and the spacing isn't too far where travel time becomes that big of a factor.

Also, for Hurricane Bow. I listed the spacings where Hurricane Bow had no moves (or few moves) that kould punish it. Usually this spacing is where F2 wiffs but there are kases like Catwoman where they over lap. In Shazam's kase, since he's so broken, Hurricane Bow is always punishable, but both CC and CS leave Arrow kloser and kan be punished by 22. So in this kase I would list SS and SC under HB with the note that they are punishable.

My idea is to list it this way in kase you want or need to be gimmicky and this way they have a harder time punishing you since only 12 frame or faster moves kan punish Hurricane Bow and in some instances they have to be on point. Once they start waiting for that, then you kan mix in other options. Or if they start backdashing, then you have slide or arrows at your disposal to katch backdashes. Also, some punishes are even trades since they don't do much damage and you build meter both from getting hit and having Hurricane Bow blocked.

PS: Sorry for the wall of text but it's hard to explain this stuff without a ton of words.
I tested with having the CPU (GA) on record and did B13 into F2 then HB and I controlled Shazam to try to backdash, block, and punish. I guess my spacing was off or something, can you make a vid to better understand how its suppose to look?

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I tested with having the CPU (GA) on record and did B13 into F2 then HB and I controlled Shazam to try to backdash, block, and punish. I guess my spacing was off or something, can you make a vid to better understand how its suppose to look?
It's B13 into F2 or B13 into HB...

I don't have a way to make a vid.. Though @Eric Z19 might be able to help?

The way I do it is by recording Arrow doing B13 then doing HB (or F2). For HB I just pause until the kancel window has expired and I kan see him recover. For F2 I do B13 then mash F2. Then I test if it wiffs when I hold back or krouch kuz sometimes it wiffs one way and not the other (look at Nightwing). There's many ways to test it though.

Your spacing looked right. I tested it myself to make sure since you weren't 100%. You don't have to get things down prefectly when testing. Main thing is don't kancel it when you do B13 then Hurricane Bow. And don't wait too long to press F2 after B13. If they kan backdash it, then whatever, we already know they really kan't (for F2). Just make sure you test that it reaches.

You started off with a weird character that doesn't really allow the chip tech to work since he kould punish every Hurricane Bow. So for Hurricane Bow, looking at something like how Catwoman's blocking of B13 works might help you get the idea... (Though Catwoman kan't even backdash Hurricane Bow and most other characters kan.. lol.)


It's B13 into F2 or B13 into HB...

I don't have a way to make a vid.. Though @Eric Z19 might be able to help?

The way I do it is by recording Arrow doing B13 then doing HB (or F2). For HB I just pause until the kancel window has expired and I kan see him recover. For F2 I do B13 then mash F2. Then I test if it wiffs when I hold back or krouch kuz sometimes it wiffs one way and not the other (look at Nightwing). There's many ways to test it though.

Your spacing looked right. I tested it myself to make sure since you weren't 100%. You don't have to get things down prefectly when testing. Main thing is don't kancel it when you do B13 then Hurricane Bow. And don't wait too long to press F2 after B13. If they kan backdash it, then whatever, we already know they really kan't (for F2). Just make sure you test that it reaches.

You started off with a weird character that doesn't really allow the chip tech to work since he kould punish every Hurricane Bow. So for Hurricane Bow, looking at something like how Catwoman's blocking of B13 works might help you get the idea... (Though Catwoman kan't even backdash Hurricane Bow and most other characters kan.. lol.)
Based on what you wrote, yes that is what I did. Sorry my wording was misunderstood, looking at it now it does look like the wrong thing lol. But yeh, shazam is an exception I guess.