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Match Extended


Haha anyone seen this ? Turns out that if you get a double KO in this game both players are rest with about 30% life and match continues until someone is dead again. Pretty hilarious I was like wtf is going on?

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
I had this happen to me only once, only it wasnt double knockout.
The timer ran out and this Catwoman player and i had the same health amount.
Yeah this can happen infinitely I think, but the health amounts decrease. I think it's like 30%, then 10%, then 1% every subsequent time or something like that. But I do not know for sure. It's something like this though.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Happened to me only once, when I was facing a Raven. Great match that was.

Good mechanic. I seem to recall MK9 had no trading really. Someone always won, that kinda ruins the fun.