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Low attk into High Attk kombo's?


when playing the demo i found out (& i know im not the only one) the best way to get arround an opponent using :d :blk in a corner was to use a launcher attack e.g Mileena's :u + :bk

But my question is besides using the standard :l + :bk on a standing opponent (which trips them), has anyone found a way to hit low and continue into a high attack (into a kombo still including the low hit in the string) to cancel an opponents standing :blk ?

Sorry if this sounds noobie & thanks


Some characters have combos that start low, which works well in the situation you're referring to. If you're using a character that does not have a combo that starts low, I'd recommend a throw. From my experience, it's very difficult to escape a throw if you're stand blocking.

You can also pressure by cutting your combos short and starting another combo or going for a low poke. But honestly, the sweep works just fine as well. It's not a lot of damage, but damage is damage and people will start crouch blocking if you continue to sweep them.


Im using Cy Sub-Zero right now, n haven't found a combo that could start with low as of yet, but im hoping he has one as thats like my weak point, i never remember to use grabs when someone is blocking alot so a Low hit into high hit would be perfect. I love it when people sit @ the back of the screen crouch blocking though, they get punished as soon as they try not alot of people i played online realized the launchers break low block and i spent hours in practice mode practicing launch into 30%+ juggle =)

I may start experimenting with other characters low attacks.


Some characters have combos that start low, which works well in the situation you're referring to. If you're using a character that does not have a combo that starts low, I'd recommend a throw. From my experience, it's very difficult to escape a throw if you're stand blocking.

You can also pressure by cutting your combos short and starting another combo or going for a low poke. But honestly, the sweep works just fine as well. It's not a lot of damage, but damage is damage and people will start crouch blocking if you continue to sweep them.
Actually through some tests it seems that if you are blocking you cannot break a throw. Anyone can confirm this?