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Louisville basketball player injury

Anyone watching the ncaa tournament and see what happened to Kevin Ware. That has to be one of the most horrific sports injuries I have ever seen. His leg folded up underneath him and snapped the bone in half and it popped out to say hello to his teammates


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
It's just...omg. Like Nazi said, that's one of the worst injuries in sports history that I've ever seen. I feel so horrible for him, because you know that's not only such a painful moment, but it could very well be the end of his basketball career. :(


TYM White Knight
Yep, saw it yesterday. Absolutely insane. The only injury I can think of that remotely compares is Sid Viscious's injury.


Tim Static

Yep, saw it yesterday. Absolutely insane. The only injury I can think of that remotely compares is Sid Viscious's injury.

I remember seeing this live in 1985 with my dad. I about threw up lol (not as bad as it was seeing it for the first time as a kid tho)

And LT was, and still is one of my favorite football players of all time.

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
Theismann, McGahee, Sid were all nasty, but closest thing to this was Corey Hill's injury. MMA fans know what I'm spewing about.

This is definitely the worst. I've never seen the bone pop out like that so easily.

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
He jumped to block a shot, and landed on it weird. Still, guys do this ALL the time with no injury. Freak accident to say the least.

Doctors said he may of had an existing injury or something.


Yung Kneecaps
Man that was just a tragedy to watch. After seeing the replay I was traumatized and scared for him and me cause I often go up for block attempts just like that too. I don't think I'm ever goin on a court again v_v


All in on Johnny Football
Worst thing I have ever seen live. I feel that March Madness has a darker tone to it since that injury. Luckily though, Rick Pitino said the surgery was 100% successful and they expect him back by next year. So that's good.

Oh and on a side note Go Michigan!


Noob Saibot
Psssh, I see this stuff daily in person. Between shadowing numerous ortho docs and working in trauma/ICU as a nurse the past two years this is nothing.

Still a shame and a horrible injury to the person it happens to. The good thing is, his leg will be stronger than ever and hit will never break again, atleast not tib/fib.

EDIT: and anybody who has ever played sports knows that this will take a psychological toll on every player in the league. Everyone will be more cautious with each step.