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Looking to find a UMK3 'tutor'

I just recently got UMK3 for XBLA and was instantly hooked. I obviously played the game as a kid but was never that into it.

Basically i'm looking for someone that I can play with that could show me some things. I usually use either kabal, hsmoke or sindel as those are the only character I feel very confident with.

my gamertag is Pharcyd3 and i'm on all the time ( including now )


Again, I can help abc out with this. We're both good with those three, except I use Sindel and he doesn't. (She's the devil to abc)

Send me a FR too and I'll help. :D


I could help with Sektor and Scorpion, although things like infinite combos are way above me. Send me a FR. GT is in my sig.
Pharcyd3 said:
I just recently got UMK3 for XBLA and was instantly hooked. I obviously played the game as a kid but was never that into it.

Basically i'm looking for someone that I can play with that could show me some things. I usually use either kabal, hsmoke or sindel as those are the only character I feel very confident with.

my gamertag is Pharcyd3 and i'm on all the time ( including now )
Ill be down to teach some Female Ninja stuff if ud like?
To be perfectly honest, you are really your own tutor. I, like many of the others here, would be more than willings to teach a few basic techniques along with the strengths and weaknesses of certain characters, but in the end it's up to you to develop your own style and preference of characters. This can only be accomplish by continuously playing against others, studing their movements and looking for the oppurtunity to attack and knowing when to defend (which goes beyond just standing there and blocking).
You will get your butt kicked in the beginning, expect it and learn from it; also learn from your victories and try to figure out why you won that particular match. There are many levels of skill out there and after a while you'll begin to learn which "skill zone" you're fighting in at a particular time, hell I'm still learning to this day. One final note, although many one probably disagree with me on this, when choosing one of your "mains" choose someone that you like and fits your play style and ignore the supposed "tier list" at first anyways. That's all the advice I can think of at this moment, good luck and remember I'll be watching! :wink:
Ninja Ryo said:
To be perfectly honest, you are really your own tutor. I, like many of the others here, would be more than willings to teach a few basic techniques along with the strengths and weaknesses of certain characters, but in the end it's up to you to develop your own style and preference of characters. This can only be accomplish by continuously playing against others, studing their movements and looking for the oppurtunity to attack and knowing when to defend (which goes beyond just standing there and blocking).
You will get your butt kicked in the beginning, expect it and learn from it; also learn from your victories and try to figure out why you won that particular match. There are many levels of skill out there and after a while you'll begin to learn which "skill zone" you're fighting in at a particular time, hell I'm still learning to this day. One final note, although many one probably disagree with me on this, when choosing one of your "mains" choose someone that you like and fits your play style and ignore the supposed "tier list" at first anyways. That's all the advice I can think of at this moment, good luck and remember I'll be watching! :wink:
Exactly what I was just about to post! Nicely written.
But anyway, yeah, the best thing you can do to learn is to simply print out the moves list and memorize the moves. Don't stick to using only 1 character, start with 3-5 then do more. One of the best ways I found was to constantly do random select (Up + A on d-pad while on Scorpion/Kitana)
he's got a point explore your options completely before you settle down. After first a was a beast with cyrax (or at least I thought I was) until I jumped online and started to play against a variety of people and starting using characters that I had never thought of touching previously and now I only play as characters like cyrax and sextor (no offensive to those of whom use them as mains because there are no real bad characters if used wisely) when I play a casual match. My point is like the previous poster said, don't get tied down to just one character (I try to have 2-3 mains myself) because as yours skills develop, your choice of characters should as well which usually involves making a few changes.
Ninja Ryo said:
he's got a point explore your options completely before you settle down. After first a was a beast with cyrax (or at least I thought I was) until I jumped online and started to play against a variety of people and starting using characters that I had never thought of touching previously and now I only play as characters like cyrax and sextor (no offensive to those of whom use them as mains because there are no real bad characters if used wisely) when I play a casual match. My point is like the previous poster said, don't get tied down to just one character (I try to have 2-3 mains myself) because as yours skills develop, your choice of characters should as well which usually involves making a few changes.
welcome to UMK.com cya around :wink:
thanks for the warm welcome, I've played the game since it came out on xbl, but haven't joined up unitl now........ yeah I can't figure it out either. I willing to help anyone that needs it because I know it rough starting out online and your playstyle will completely transform.
Ninja Ryo said:
thanks for the warm welcome, I've played the game since it came out on xbl, but haven't joined up unitl now........ yeah I can't figure it out either. I willing to help anyone that needs it because I know it rough starting out online and your playstyle will completely transform.
What's your gamertag? Not sure I've played you before. Yet again, I'm in the Uk over here so I guess timezones will require me to stay up until 5am :D
The good thing about doing random select is you learn the pros and cons of each character.So you will no how to counter them and so forth.
I AM THE ONE said:
The good thing about doing random select is you learn the pros and cons of each character.So you will no how to counter them and so forth.
Yeah I random every match unless I feel like acting an idiot and only using high punch and walk with smoke for the first round. After a while you realize that you're never going to get anywhere if you use the same tactic with every character. You get these people joining Challenger matches, they win the first 5 matches but after that they lose the rest due to being too predictable.
Nemesician, my gt is Ninja Ryo45 (forgot to put in the number when i made my account here). I don't think i have played you either. I sure we will cross paths some day. I await your challenge lol