Okay when it comes to Glacius, to get extra damage off of his lvl. 4 shatter ender to finish off a life bar or just 'cause I like to do Ice Lance xx EX Shatter. When it comes to his juggle ender, there's a multitude of things. Once you get the timing down you can throw out EX Hail after his hail ender, and do heavy puddle punch as he's coming down and that's a hard knockdown. Me personally, unless I need small amounts of damage, I end in either L, M, or H punch cancelled into light or medium hail to begin some setups with shatter when they decide to get up or try and jump. After his hail ender using HK cancelled into hail is good as well, timing is far different than any of the others due to the moves hitbox but since you hit them lower to the ground the timing in regards to hail and shatter setups is different, enough to throw them off if they think they've found a safe way to get up in the other instances. Off of his lvl. 4 puddle punch (battery ender) ender, you aren't supposed to be able to juggle enemies but you can mid screen and in the corner. Timing is a little strict, however.
After battery ender in the corner, depending on the size of your opponent and their hitbox while they're falling you can do L, M, or HP cancelled into heavy puddle punch or any other strength but I prefer the HKD. You need to pay attention to your KV and understand what you can afford to do because throwing something out after a punch can give your opponent the ability to get up before you recover and punish you for it. Aside from puddle punch, generally in the corner I cancel any of those into hail. This conditions your opponent to stay in the corner, or risk trying to run out. If they stay, you are free to cancel ice lance into shatter and if they jump it you can knock them down again by releasing hail, so understanding speeds of hails flight is very important. If they run out however, or attempt to, 8/10 times my hail will hit them depending on the strength (i generally use light hail) and that gives you the ability to hit confirm with ice lance into a quick combo in which you should use shadow puddle punch ender to get a solid 25-30%. After that ender continue more shenanigans with either juggle damage or hail setups.
Midscreen, you're limited. The only thing you can juggle with mid screen, ender wise, is lvl. 4 puddle punch ender, shadow puddle punch ender, or hail ender which i went over before. With lvl. 4 puddle punch ender, you can do ice lance cancelled into EX shatter or cancel it into hail but be careful which strength you choose based on your opponent. Timing is VERY strict to do this, to the point that it looks impossible but it's not. I don't recommend canceling into EX shatter because the trade off is either get very minuscule damage or which and lose a bar of meter. In that sense, I always try to throw out the lance and cancel into hail in the beginning and condition them to try and avoid it leading to counter breakers with the ice lance. With shadow puddle punch ender, it's very much the same but you are in better range to consistently hit them with lance every time and less scaling to make it worth canceling into EX shatter. I Guarantee you that there will be some point that that tiny bit of damage closes out a round against a Jago (keeping him from using instinct and staying on his first life bar) or closes out a match for you. Hope this helps my friend, and let's play sometime! A little later i'll give you some good shit with Fulgore.
P.S. - If you have full instinct and full meter with Fulgore and people don't respect your wakeup with his DP, do this. Heavy DPxx Instinct , walk slightly forward if needed, HKxxheavy laser(the anti air one) and hit confirm that shit into Devastation beam.