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Looking at statistics...


...and the number of messages in the character subforums we have these 3 chars with most message count: Reptile - 7.500 messages, Sub-Zero - 6.500 messages, Smoke - 5.000 messages. Why is that?
Because reptile players suck and always ask for help. Theres like a million of them and the best one is chris G. Talk about free
Naa I'm just kidding. I have speculated on why the reptile forums are so popular. Maybe its because of how hard it is to hit derp dash online lol


24 Low Hat!
Half of those messages on the Reptile forums are people complaining about Elbow dash online or trying to figure out how to do his NJP combo. The best forums are the ones with low message count but a high degree of information, like the Kitana forums


Sub-Zero because of dat drama and shenanigans.

No idea on Reptile or Smoke though, I don't think I've ever visited either forum to be honest.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Yeah, the Reptile forums are just ridden with garbage lol "OH SO DUH ELBOW IZ NAO PUNISHABLE HUH?! HURRRRRR DURRRRRRR ONLINE!" "HOW U DO DAT ELBOW DASH NJP?!"

Sub forums are just drama, buff suggestions, and Tom ranting

Smoke forums are probably ridden with the reset stuff but shouldn't Cyrax's sub forums be bigger then as well?