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Liu Kang Video Tutorial...Rush Mode

Dat Al

Stay Frosty
Nice video, never even thought about using b2,b3, nor did I know about its existence until now, which probably didn't help.


To Achieve, You must Believe
hey man good stuff on buffing the new video. Keep it up, I got another tip to give ya, try incorporating dragon stance cancelling and whiff punishing enemy moves and pokes.. for example f+1,2 d+3 dragon stance FDC (forward dash cancel) b+312, or f+3, or f+1,2 or grab which ever your comfortable with. Also when enemies poke such as d+3, or d+1... there is no block stun on these moves so you can let go of block and punish as fast as you can with b+312 or f+1,2 since both moves hit mid and start up pretty fast. other than that i gotta save some of my tricks for So Cal regionals lmfao


Dojo Trainee
Thanks on that tip bro. Didn't think of the cancel in the middle of pressure...well, I did but I thought it would be WAY too slow. Obviously it's slow but it must be faster than I originally thought and it would be a great way to create so much more shenanigans and mind games.


Dojo Trainee
Nice video, never even thought about using b2,b3, nor did I know about its existence until now, which probably didn't help.
Lmao...definitely man. Gotta know about something to use it. That's why you should learn your characters properly in training, looking over the moves list. Stop looking on here for all the answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just giving you a hard time man. In all seriousness, that string is pretty beast because you can abuse it (for the most part), and it's a double mixup with high/low action. Combine that with the f3 overhead, and that pressure alone is something to be messed with.


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK
Ooooooh. A video on Rushdown with LK....

I'll take a look tomorrow. I'm sure i'll learn something new out of this. Good job! ;)


Shadow Priest
Nice Tutorial.. I loved it!! I like f4 idea.

f1,2 on block vs Cage(Also certain characters) could be a little dangerous depending on the player. Cage can poke Liu Kang faster than Liu Kang can poke him. f1,2 Cage will interrupt with a poke before you even try anything else. Actually f1,2 Ex Dragon would be best vs Cage. Most Cage's will poke after 2 on f1,2. Ex Dragon would catch them, and put a little freeze on the poke after the 2 on f1,2.

Plus Ex Dragon stuns them if it hits. So a free f3, for either chip or normal damage.(Depending on the opponent.)

So basically.. I'm saying f1,2 Ex Dragon can be good depending on the opponents. Some may jump after f1,2(f1,2 two times will catch them). Some can poke Liu Kang before he makes another move after f1,2.

Well... that's my personal experience with f1,2. Every Liu Kang isn't the same.


Dojo Trainee
I agree with that exactly. I failed to mention how susceptible he is to poke in the first video so I made sure to put emphasis on that in the recent vid. I just know that to keep an opponent sweating, f1,2 is a monster.
I know its not a place to discuss this but im trying to pick up liu against mileena because mileena blows up reptile. Wondering how does liu kang holds up against mileena?


Dojo Trainee
I know its not a place to discuss this but im trying to pick up liu against mileena because mileena blows up reptile. Wondering how does liu kang holds up against mileena?
Here is the gameplay IMO:

Any good Mileena (or decent for that matter) will check Liu Kang at least once with the teleports and rolls, however, you have the ultimate answer with the parry. If you catch a Mileena player one time with an EX parry after she teleports and land that full combo, you just won for the most part. Mileena relies so much on that air mobility, and if you take that away, she is at the mercy of your relentless rushdown. JUST DON'T SPAM OUT BS WHEN YOU RUSH HER DOWN!!!!!!!!!! Can't stress that enough because she does have the ability to roll on you if you put something slow out there. Just take away that tele and roll shenanigans and get ready for the W.

Also, zoning her isn't particularly good. She can just get in with tele or throw sais back at you. Not sure which would win in a trade however, so you would have to see what happens or ask somebody with a little more matchup experience.

Now that's basic overall gameplay. Obviously what is comfortable for you to use in rushdown go for it, but if you are too slow to deal with the mobility, learn that first. One parry = win for the most part.


Former Divine Power Abuser
This actually inspired me to main Liu since I was going through a character crisis lol anyways, this vid was great. I love how Liu Kang can condition opponents, pick their defense apart and chip at their life without worry of breaker ending your onslaught. Yesterday I used different rushdown mixups on my friend in a match. It was awesome, I just patiently found an opening, went in and abused him. The end of the match I knew how scared of B312 he was so, I checked him with F3, not once, not twice, but three times lol, then he finally quits crouch blocking and I end the match with B312. It felt so good!!!!


Cage ban wagon?
Great video overall i liked some of the tactics u put out there, some of them how ever arent the greatest not trying to hate wutsoever i liked it alot but just to let all kang players kno f1 2 is neutral on block which means if the other character has a d1 or d3 thats 6 or 7 frames he will poke liu out of his pressure. what i do is i mix it up alot by sometimes finishing the combo or doing an enhanced fireball. people are always looking to poke their way out and by doing the low fireball it stops them from poke and u can continue mixing it up because they stagger for a long time. after getting ur opponent scared of ur fireballs or finishing ur chain combo thats when u can mix up and do the d3. also with 213 even if the first hit whiffs its his fastest chain combo and because the last hit is overhead good players kno to block it so by mixing in another low enhanced fireball for stagger u can make plenty of oppurtunities with liu. basically his game is completely mixups and good reading. his iAFB is also one of if not the best in the game. he recovers the same as kabals iAFB and also reaches the screen faster than kabals does. if his iAFB is mastered to the T he will be the best zoner because of the fly kick and low fireball game. so like i said man completely mix it up all the time and get the iAFB down and garentee tom brady will change his tier list cuz if lius got the best zoning along with top 5 offences in the game maybe even toping best cuz of his speed and mixups liu has the potential of finally becoming the best character in the game as he should be.


[MENTION=3644]topper2ath[/MENTION] I still think F4 is useless. D4 is 1 frame faster and still gives advantage (not sure which one gives more, i'll have to test).

I have a question though: how easy is it to hit confirm F12 into high fire ball? High fire ball is at least +9, which is better than whatever it is F12 gives.


Dojo Trainee
Forgive me for the late replies...I haven't had a working computer for awhile now. TBH, hit confirming into a high fireball never really crossed my mind but I agree with the fact that it has wonderful advantage. Not sure about the pushback it grants or anything but I'll have to implement it into my game and see its advantages and disadvantages. I would say that it's not hard to do, but it would be tricky to consistently hit confirm especially if you don't do it often. My advice would be to practice it for at least a few hours before you try it, but great idea bro.


Beautiful video. I watched it twice at work. This really helped me bring my Liu kang to the next level.

Tell me, what are your thoughts on his X Ray?