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Little problem.

I was really going well with Kitana, but i'm having some trouble.

Like against Kung Lao's pressure and Kabal/LiuKang.... you get me, than i will do D1 but i mostly do it twice and than F21 and it never works cause already blocked after my D1D1. And for F41 hes to far away to connect. what can i do?


Jesus Fucking Christ
Try D+1 into F+2. If the D1 connects and you perform the movements correctly it should combo into her cutter. Off the cutter you have the offensive.
Dont do naked F41, rape kits cost tax payer dollars and hurts us all. Its too slow and telegraphed to use as a launcher without setup (IE a jump in punch), especially against fast dudes like the monks.


Get staffed bro
instant air fan can work well. If they jump forward or back they eat:

iAF, dash, 2~fan, dash, f2~cutter or similar. Add an ex fan if you have meter to burn. Its more imprtant to watch what they typically do after a given situation though, which is something I need to improve.
i eat kung laos for breakfast, specially the cocky ones that throw out his punishable stuff for free, bait out spins, they love to do it on wake up BAM full combo, block air kick thingies BAM combo, teleport? uppercut, when you get them scared they'll run across the screen and throw hats all day, then BAM ex fan, fan cancel, get in there and BAM full combo :D

i don't have any problems with liu kangs, just learn that magic area where f2,1 connects and do jump in punches, and if you're far they like to their lil flying kick thing, block and BAM full combo :3

kabal is a pain bc he can zone so we... let me know what u figure out...


Come On Die Young
What ChiriPepe said about Lao, definitely.

The way you beat Kung Lao is mastering the instant air fan. It jumps over low hats and kills dive kicks. Another great strategy that I like is to jump in (but not too close) to bait a spin, and throw an air fan at the last second.

Dark Eve

Outworld Ninja
I totally agree with Rev on this one about Mr. Lao. At first when I started pulling off cobwebs with Kit I had issues with Kitana against him, but now since I've practiced how to deal out her Instant Air Fans better and try get him to spin or duck his lil uppercut I actually have no issues on him especially his lil dive kick. Lol