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Hi! I'm from Russia. I'm not good in umk3, but i wanna be better. I wanna play with good players for training. I'm playing in kaillera. I have normal connecting on Reps emulinker serv & pvpgn.emserv.ru:27888 . Maybe some good players wanna play with me? My favourite characters - kabal nightwolf kitana sindel. My icq number - 443048552 . In advance thanks.


ded_ said:
if you are the same person i've played before you are ok actually ;]
I'm not same person. :-( I did not play with you, because I not the suicide ;-) I'm playing in umk3 only 3 months. I wish to ask: the person with nickname "rut" already exists?
i still havent experienced umk3 over kailleria without the considerable amount of delay........where do most of yall play?
ahh man, I kept trying to get a game on kaillera with dev,he said he played on there before and it was smooth I guess he was lying.
KeanBurke said:
ahh man, I kept trying to get a game on kaillera with dev,he said he played on there before and it was smooth I guess he was lying.
not lying.......i get the best results with .117....what most use for 3s........works perfectly......