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Let Mortal Kombat Begin!

Hey guys, been a fan of MK since the beginning, but I never really payed much attention to the competitive side of it until now. I play pretty much all fighting games at some level, and SSFIV and MVC3 competitively. I live fairly close to Columbus and I know there's some love going on there so hopefully I could make it out to something as much as possible. I've never really been a character specialist, so I'll be trying out all of the characters as a ton of them really appeal to me at the moment. Okay, that's enough about me, enjoy your day and I'll talk to you all on the forums!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Welcome to TYM! Yo, you live near Columbus? Hit up Tim Static or Lucky Day...those guys are the MK guys there. :)

Would say come join us at the upcoming tournament, PowerUp in Cincinnati, but it's less than 2 weeks away...unless you could actually make it out that weekend. But either way, there's always other tournaments...hell you could meet everyone at this year's Season's Beatings, which is in Columbus in (usually) October.
Thanks, THTB. :) Yeah, I live near Columbus and in the coming months will be moving even closer, so that will help a lot. PowerUp will be a great tourney and I wanted to go but I'm already busy that weekend. Now Season's Beatings, I'm gonna try to make sure I can have time freed up so I can go. I can't wait already, get hype!


Premium Supporter
Sup Jerk! :)

You going to PowerUp?

Also, welcome to the site; pleasure to meet you!
Thanks for the warm welcome, Storms, it's nice to meet you too. :)

Unfortunately I will not be able to make it to PowerUp, I'll be able to catch some of the stream, though! Damn man, I wish I could go, I HATE being a stream monster. Tournaments are just too fun.