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lessons Learned and observations


This thread is for all of the people who have participated in the "let TYM pick your new main" threads.

What has the experience been like so far?

What challenges have you faced and overcome?

Have you been able to bring back anything from your TYM elected main to your regular main(s)?

What (if anything) have you learned about yourself as a player and the character(s) that have been chosen for you?

(I'll post my own experiences later when I'm not typing on an iPhone LOL)


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Fuck everything about Jade. T_T
But what about....naw, your right.

But the overall experience playing her this week has helped me with my footsies and spacing quite a bit. Can't really afford to whiff anything with her.

...trying really hard to find something positive about my short time with her lol

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk
But what about....naw, your right.

But the overall experience playing her this week has helped me with my footsies and spacing quite a bit. Can't really afford to whiff anything with her.

...trying really hard to find something positive about my short time with her lol

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk
Yeah I'll just stick with 100% resets off 1 touch anywhere on the screen that works pretty well for me


Yeah I'll just stick with 100% resets off 1 touch anywhere on the screen that works pretty well for me
You're preaching to the choir, good sir. If anything, playing her has made my appreciate just how good I had it. Sigh. *smokes away*

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Shang Tsung was fun, total blast to play actually. No complaints about him, really flashy, elegant character.

Cyrax isn't as interesting as I thought he'd be, I don't know why...:confused:.

But what about....naw, your right.

But the overall experience playing her this week has helped me with my footsies and spacing quite a bit. Can't really afford to whiff anything with her.

...trying really hard to find something positive about my short time with her lol

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk

Whiffing with anybody is a bad idea. I would list everything good about her, but I doubt most care...I will say that this character requires a lot of time to show her power(not saying she's not low tier, but she has good traits and strengths to her that allow her to hold her own).

She's one of the most misunderstood characters in the game.

Great thread by the way, carry on :).
His play style is boring? That's a first....

He takes balls to play with and you genuinely have to outplay your opponent to win. No BS.
Unless you can relatively play without Ice Clones and have a real knack for spawning Ice Clones from a read. :p

Anyway, I learned that I could do decent with Kabal by zoning, constant Tornado Slam and Buzzsaw 50/50s, and gimmicky techniques. Got halfway decent with him on the first couple of hours after getting down his iaGBs. Though I could never get more than 3 in a row to come out, that was alright, as I like mixing it up with grounded Gas Blasts and Buzzsaws.

I'm keeping Kabal as a side character (less than a main and alternate) for teh lulz. (Skipping getting a new main for this week. Will recieve a new main from the TYM community next week.)


Shang Tsung was fun, total blast to play actually. No complaints about him, really flashy, elegant character.

Cyrax isn't as interesting as I thought he'd be, I don't know why...:confused:.

Whiffing with anybody is a bad idea. I would list everything good about her, but I doubt most care...I will say that this character requires a lot of time to show her power(not saying she's not low tier, but she has good traits and strengths to her that allow her to hold her own).

She's one of the most misunderstood characters in the game.

Great thread by the way, carry on :).
The thing about her that I'm struggling with is that I feel stymied by online lag, in that her combos that do any decent amount of damage require fairly strict timing. Amirite? At least with Smoke, you can do the "lag version" of a particular combo and still hit 33-37% damage. The simplified version of an average Jade's combos are like 25%? amidoingthisright.jpg

Edit: oh I forgot! One thing I LOVE about her is that you absolutely cannot jump in on her. Best AA tools IMHO in the entire game. Just wish she had a stronger follow up. Unless a foamy mod has another opinion...

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The thing about her that I'm struggling with is that I feel stymied by online lag, in that her combos that do any decent amount of damage require fairly strict timing. Amirite? At least with Smoke, you can do the "lag version" of a particular combo and still hit 33-37% damage. The simplified version of an average Jade's combos are like 25%? amidoingthisright.jpg

Edit: oh I forgot! One thing I LOVE about her is that you absolutely cannot jump in on her. Best AA tools IMHO in the entire game. Just wish she had a stronger follow up. Unless a foamy mod has another opinion...

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk
Jade is not a lag friendly character, she suffers online a lot more than most characters. You're right in that her combos requirc strict timing that is hampered easier online than other characters, but it's more than that. Her footsies aren't as strong due to the nature of overly laggy environments, though with experience you can still do well with her online, makes my Jade a lot better when I go offline lol :).

Her anti-air is solid and her long ranged normals are a huge part of what makes her special, though it's only one of her strengths, the ability to force a whiff with glow gives her one of the best and safest whiff punishers in the game.

Make sure to check out the Jade forum and ask any polecat related questions you may have or ask me , cheers:D.


Go to hell.
Kabal's iAGBs are ridiculously easy, and I've been using him since Tuesday.

If this weekend wasn't homecoming I'd be prepared to rip some asses.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
The thing about her that I'm struggling with is that I feel stymied by online lag, in that her combos that do any decent amount of damage require fairly strict timing. Amirite? At least with Smoke, you can do the "lag version" of a particular combo and still hit 33-37% damage. The simplified version of an average Jade's combos are like 25%? amidoingthisright.jpg

Edit: oh I forgot! One thing I LOVE about her is that you absolutely cannot jump in on her. Best AA tools IMHO in the entire game. Just wish she had a stronger follow up. Unless a foamy mod has another opinion...

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk
I jump in on Jade

I jump in on everybody!

/online warrior

get at me bro! ;)