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Legacy Arcade-Barrie, ON Canada


Kwan Doa Crow
Legacy Arcade is Barrie, Ontario’s premier fighting game community with a huge base of players that are awesome people :).

Here's the link to our Facebook page, which contains all the relevant background/contact info
under About, as well as photos and other links.


*The location has changed to 263 Johnson St.

*Equipment also includes Asus EVO monitors

MK and Injustice
AKA: What does this mean to YOU?!

There are only a few people who play Injustice and MK. That being said, MK and Injustice are my main fighting games. So if you are ever in the Barrie area, and/or wish to talk further, add me on PSN, and join the Legacy Arcade Facebook group.

Hopefully talk to some of ya’ll soon!