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Breakthrough - Pretty Lady Leatherface Pretty Lady's Frame Trap


AKA AndyPandy
Ex upsaw throw is +12 on block and sets you up for another free F12. Kotal's 6 frame d1/d4 can not poke out, it can't be back dashed, jumped out of or armored through (except for sub zero's EX slide, and reptiles dash... maybe others too haven't tested extensively, but the timing on the armor is strict, most sub's won't get it out).

Pretty much, the only thing your opponent can do is block. It's not great for chip damage, but once your opponent respects the frame trap, you can open them up with low, overhead, 22 string to continue pressure or grab. Seems obvious, but didn't see it posted anywhere, and have had great success opening people up with it.



AKA AndyPandy
If he has a cancellable overhead move (I don't play LF, so idk haha) then use that and make people hold at least one rep of it haha
Yeh, he does people usually high block vs leatherface cause of the overhead threat. Didn't really encounter anyone who low block much vs him other than the initial fuzzy guard

Test it on an opponent who neutral ducks it.
I tested the second rep of F12 vs neutral ducked opponent when recording the vid they can't avoid it that way.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Yeh, he does people usually high block vs leatherface cause of the overhead threat. Didn't really encounter anyone who low block much vs him other than the initial fuzzy guard

I tested the second rep of F12 vs neutral ducked opponent when recording the vid they still can't avoid it that way.
I mean neutral ducking the The ex chainsaw since its a high not a mid.