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Learning correctly, with nobody around?



Hey, I went to some casuals last night, and I have found that I have a lot to learn in general. I am not a fighting game vet by any means, and some of the observations some of the more senior players were making with various matches was making my head hurt. I had lots of questions to ask, and a lot got answered, however... I only left with more questions to ask!

There is only so much training dummy I can take. I can do all the combos against a dummy all day, and one thing that I always fuck up is... as soon as I start playing a real person I fat finger the hell out of everything. It's like my brain tells me I should have done this like 2 seconds too late all the time.

How does one adjust to that kind of a "handicap" as it were when there isn't people to play consistently. I was told online is not the best way to go since the input delay will fuck up your offline game? I don't know enough for a decent answer to this.

I'd imagine everyone to a degree goes through this, as even at Power up I saw people that were "pros" dropping combos. So, I know the answer is practice. I just was wondering if there's things you guys do while you're in your respective labs testing shit out, learning matchups... how do you pick a part the game in such a way to jump these hurdles?




i kinda take one thing at a time.. when i'm playin alone i spend a few hours just tryin to make up stuff(mind u i don't care bout dmg i'm a flashy player i wanna do impractical crap that just looks good when done)... then i focus on the basic's , then work a little defense sessions, and put AI on expert in training mode and try to beat the crap outta it for periods of time... at the same time i watch for stuff that AI does that i feel people prob can do as well and if i catch AI stupid i abuse what ever techniques i can to take advantage.

now i have been solid in fighters but only truly excelled in doa, other games i just play for fun but mk i'm tryin to take it serious.. i'm flashy and i lose alot in casuals.. but i'm just tryin to take in all of what every character can do then i'll go from there
hoped i helped a little bit bra


Nightwolf Mourner
Yes online is pretty bad, but it's actually a good way to train once you set yourself up for it. It does screw up your execution, but if your going to a tourney your probably gonna practice for an hour or two offline to get that offline execution back anyways. I don't really do anything in training mode anymore, since there's no function to record online. Instead, I play the players on TYM online and see how I can deal with things in certain match ups. Think of online as laggy (sometimes) casuals. Your not betting anything on the line so just test whatever you have to test out. Get a buddy to help you with that.


You're nervous. You gotta loosen up. There's no real way to get rid of it except to actually attend offline tournies and casuals. Money matches help a lot too because you're putting your money on the line. It makes you want to win much more. I find that taking deep breaths help when I first started - even during gameplay. When you lose a match, don't rematch right away. Go to character switch even if you're going to pick the same character because it gives you a breather. Just think about what he abused and learn to counter it during the time you're reselecting your character.

Online helps to a certain extent. Don't depend on it. It only teaches you about matchups and stuff but as for execution, practice that in casuals and training mode. If anything, fight against a cpu and test your reaction. They may not do what you want them to for practice but at least it prepares you for anything that may possibly be random (I'm not suggesting you practice too much on cpus either because no AI is perfect for training until we can get our own recording feature for the dummy).