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League of Legends?


It Stinks!
I do. Same summoner name as my PSN. I play with a group of guys on a vent I own. Lately have been just doing bot stomps with some people that are new to the game to get them a bit better, and I recently just hit level 30. It's a decent enough game, but I honestly prefer Heroes of Newerth over LoL. HoN is way more punishing, for example with you losing gold when you die, so it's far less forgiving. You can also deny creeps the from the enemy, so you have to last hit and not just auto-attack the creep waves.

LoL is still good from time to time. I like the hero designs above all else, my favorite being Maokai.
Bout to hit 30 myself, i personally like LoL more because i find it more fun but thats me, ill send you a friend request next time Im on, bout to buy twitch even though apparently hes underpowered.