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Laptop questions..


aka - RM_AtK !
if your lookin to game get a desktop .. laptops arent worth it for gaming unless u plan on spending about 2000-2500


A prop on the stage of life.
I'm sure he's not looking for the "best" or what my PC friend would call "decent" (which basically means to play most current games on high settings anyway). I picked up a Lenovo Z575 a few years back and it works well as a gaming laptop. Of course I spent twice as much on this new desktop and it blows it away in every category.

Unfortunately I can't answer your question with confidence OP. I'm no expert on computer hardware. I'm a software/programming kind of guy.

(My laptop can play games like bioshock/dishonored better than their console counterparts, but its old and showing its age in performance).


yeah... NEVER get a laptop for gaming.. even if its one that runs the game you want decently, it's tough to upgrade laptops besides ram, hard drives, etc... You won't have to spend much for a gaming pc as opposed to a gaming laptop... and you can upgrade a(new video card, cpu,ram,hd, lots more) so go for a PC, and building them is not hard... if your in new york/tri state area I can build a nice one for you for pretty cheap.


I'm sure he's not looking for the "best" or what my PC friend would call "decent" (which basically means to play most current games on high settings anyway). I picked up a Lenovo Z575 a few years back and it works well as a gaming laptop. Of course I spent twice as much on this new desktop and it blows it away in every category.

Unfortunately I can't answer your question with confidence OP. I'm no expert on computer hardware. I'm a software/programming kind of guy.

(My laptop can play games like bioshock/dishonored better than their console counterparts, but its old and showing its age in performance).

exactly... once it starts not running the games you won't smooth or at all... go desktop/pc custom built


I'm sure he's not looking for the "best" or what my PC friend would call "decent" (which basically means to play most current games on high settings anyway). I picked up a Lenovo Z575 a few years back and it works well as a gaming laptop. Of course I spent twice as much on this new desktop and it blows it away in every category.

Unfortunately I can't answer your question with confidence OP. I'm no expert on computer hardware. I'm a software/programming kind of guy.

(My laptop can play games like bioshock/dishonored better than their console counterparts, but its old and showing its age in performance).
cool man, I'm pretty decent with both, hardware and software.. anyone can hitme up if you have any questions 1631-980-1285 (this is for anyone that wants pc, hardware/software questions and if you need troubleshooting, building pcs etc... just put tym in the text.. (not main number... its free texting for my Itouch
yeah... NEVER get a laptop for gaming.. even if its one that runs the game you want decently, it's tough to upgrade laptops besides ram, hard drives, etc... You won't have to spend much for a gaming pc as opposed to a gaming laptop... and you can upgrade a(new video card, cpu,ram,hd, lots more) so go for a PC, and building them is not hard... if your in new york/tri state area I can build a nice one for you for pretty cheap.
Ah alright so desktop is the way to go. Unfortunately I don't live in the new york/tri state area. I mean I really would prefer a laptop for its mobility purposes. Anyways how would I go about doing a custom build pc ,or are there any pc's around my price range that I can buy as stock?


A prop on the stage of life.
exactly... once it starts not running the games you won't smooth or at all... go desktop/pc custom built
He gave his budget in the OP. And maybe he's not a hardware person. I mean you have to know what the hell you're doing when you order parts or its just a bunch of shiny silicone and metal.

And my laptop can run the games fine. When I said its showing its age its because games are improving and the laptop isn't. There are other reasons why someone may not be able to go with the desktop/custom approach but the main one is that the initial investment can be quite high.

cool man, I'm pretty decent with both, hardware and software.. anyone can hitme up if you have any questions 1631-980-1285 (this is for anyone that wants pc, hardware/software questions and if you need troubleshooting, building pcs etc... just put tym in the text.. (not main number... its free texting for my Itouch
Appreciate it, but I'm good. I have a PC friend in my pocket who helped put together my rig for me. Most other computer stuff I can handle.

Ah alright so desktop is the way to go. Unfortunately I don't live in the new york/tri state area. I mean I really would prefer a laptop for its mobility purposes. Anyways how would I go about doing a custom build pc ,or are there any pc's around my price range that I can buy as stock?
Don't be dissuaded if you really want/would get more use out of a laptop. The benefit of a desktop is that they are cheaper than laptops (more powerful machine for the same price) and they can be upgraded. But its something to to think about: will you upgrade? Are you content to keep the computer in one spot? Are you out alot and would like the convenience of a laptop? My gaming laptop cost $500 and that was 3-4 years ago. It's a nice little machine and still works just fine for everything from starcraft 2 to crysis (neither on max setting though, mostly medium/high).
Well, I'm 17 and in a year I plan on going to college and staying in the dorms. I just don't see how a pc would be convienent in any way to me. At the same time I don't know anything about that specifically. I just want a laptop because I know for sure that won't be an issue to take with me.


I want Kronika to step on my face
Well, I'm 17 and in a year I plan on going to college and staying in the dorms. I just don't see how a pc would be convienent in any way to me. At the same time I don't know anything about that specifically. I just want a laptop because I know for sure that won't be an issue to take with me.
I bought a laptop for the same reason. I got my beautiful baby the MSI GT60. But it's a little expensive, something around $1700.


aka - RM_AtK !
thing is with laptops and desktops is the laptop u desire will not be good for ur budget.. the graphics card and other parts are more expensive on laptops and harder to upgrade. you can get a desktop for the ammount your saying that will run any game for a while and hold u over (and you just got to upgrade the gpu now and then) and everthing else should be good for a while. where as a laptop youll be lucky to meet all the requirements for heavy intensive games if not just breeze by