Okay, this time around on LoA, we're gonna be doing a Q&A. Got any questions for me, Altaire, or our guest of the week, MLG Columbus champion, vVv CDjr? Ask here!
A question for CD Jr. Between Pig, Curbo and Foxy, who does he consider the biggest threats and why? What would be his gameplan and character choices for each of them?
To all; who do you think are the top characters in the game post-MLG columbus?
How badly will America get blown up by Europe at evo on a scale of 9 to 10? (9 being a lot, 10 being complete destruction)
I have a few questions for jr so I'll make it quick.
First off Congrats Manny on doing your thing at mlg!
1) What are your feelings towards the mlg event as a whole and what was the best part of your experience and would you recommend this event for the whole mk community to attend?
2) What scene do you feel is underrated in the mk community and do you feel there are any sleepers out there that people should be aware of?
3) What did you feel after you beat pl accomplished or relief?
Firstly I want to congratulate CD Jr for a great performance.
Also, here are two questions:
1. PL obviously looked a little rusty and perhaps didn't know how to handle you considering it is the first time he has faced you. Can you see him competing with the likes of you, your brothers, REO etc on a regular basis if he puts the time in?
2. Name the top 5 characters in the game according to you.