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Question - Kotal Kahn Kotal Kahn vs projectiles

I find projectiles hard to deal with, especially since Kotal Kahn moves tend to have a slow start up. So far the options I've come up with for dealing with them are rather risky and ultimately not very rewarding vs the projectile spam.

B3 F2
F1 2

Ultimately god ray seems to slow to deal with projectile spam, sun stone is also very slow. But when buffed with blood offering and using the ex variation, it can deal a lot of damage.

I want to know if anyone has come up with a more consistent and reliable way to deal with projectiles. I want to expand my knowledge of the character.


There's another thread asking for Kotal vs Jaqui(0-10 matchup) just look it and try to use the character main discussion thread for tips like this;


Fabled Villain
See, I really think Blood God and his Obsidian Totem (and more generally, all three totems) might ultimately give us the best chance against heavy zoners. They already generally have moderate to weak damage output. Being able to consistently tamper it even further sure is nice . . .