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KombatAkademy has sadly shut down. We are migrating data to TYM in hopes it will continue to help people learn!

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
The legend Raptor made the best dedicated resource to learning Mortal Kombat - KombatAkademy. Sadly due to so many reasons. "The project has been discontinued for a combination of reasons: The increasing site costs, too much work and not enough time, little to no motivation, low interest and little usage from users, lack of support/donations, personal dislike of the game, bad past experiences, and so on. I don't see much reason for me to continue, so I am leaving this project to the community." A lot if not all of it is incredible relateable. After seeing this we wanted to give his work a place to continue to help other learn these games. With his permission we will be adding in all of the character frame data, combos, guides, and footage from kombatakademy to TestYourMight! Look for a new account @KombatAkademy to be posing the character frame data, combo, and general character discussions moving forward. This will clean up some of the avatars throughout the forum moving forward on stickied threads. You will see frame data and combos for all MK1 characters being posted throughout the week. Thank you so much to Raptor for his time and energy on this project the last few years, one of the best to do it in game too! The data is available for anyone to use for anything it looks like


I will be adding in new combo sheets for DLC shortly after we migrate data over so there is uniform data on all characters! If you want to help just reach out

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
@Mr Aquaman Any chance of getting the Mortal Kombat 11 version put up in some fashion? It was a fantastic learning tool that I used myself back then, and regularly recommended to new users on the official Discord.
Yes! I actually didn't see that he had the 11 information posted as well until just now

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Love Raptor, since the days we rocked Skarlet in MK9 together, i get the frustation, and i also understand that TYM really has hard routes and it's kinda hard to branch it out.
Since this forum is still alive, and the format it's good enough to keep information going.

I will make this request again which i did to @Robocop and @CrimsonShadow back when Robo was the site owner.

@STORMS please if you read this, if any of the staff reads this:

There are PLENTY of good guides here, guides from characters specialists, and ppl who did explored the characters through out the numbers of the franchise, i tend to revisit these guides often even when i want to remember how a certain character played, and by the time the game were active, i can ASURE you, devs like Paulo and John did too, even 16bit did, and often, interacted with character specialists asking questions about changes in the game AFTER the team read those guides.

Please make a wikia or whatever where information such as the one from Kombatakademy can be stored, not only for revisionist history, but these information will help not only ppl to get into the game, you will bring more ppl in here, you will bring devs back here, and if they want to have some sort of legacy curve, these guides are a good way to start off when creating the same character for a future game

You don't need to post everything, just let the players have accounts and port the info themselves and make compediums that are worth reading, SF does this every game and it's golden.

I'd rather see this, and would definitely contribut for it as much i could if this meant a way to contribute to a better NRS, rather than discussing if NRS is done every day of the week same shit different day


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
@Eddy Wang definitely time for something like it but our infrastructure is indire need of a rework. We are in talks but nothing is set in stone yet. Things are coming but since its coming out of our pockets it probably wont be ready until the next game at best.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
@Eddy Wang definitely time for something like it but our infrastructure is indire need of a rework. We are in talks but nothing is set in stone yet. Things are coming but since its coming out of our pockets it probably wont be ready until the next game at best.
i'll be here if i'm alive by then.
I also plan on donating more to tym in the future, i had to back pedal a lot of stuff and have so many things to fufill currently, being an adult i's tough, specially here, but i will be able to contribute more often soon towards this goal.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
i'll be here if i'm alive by then.
I also plan on donating more to tym in the future, i had to back pedal a lot of stuff and have so many things to fufill currently, being an adult i's tough, specially here, but i will be able to contribute more often soon towards this goal.
Please hold your funds 'til we have a proper framework for generous ppl like yourself <3