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Klassic MK Movie Skin Pack reveal trailer!

MK Dragon

Sonya looks odd, the mouth doesn't match the voice but she sounds good. Raiden looks surprisingly well done! Amazing they made it available so soon, couldn't wait any longer to be honest either after that reveal.


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
Did they? I didn't see leg grab in the trailer. Shame cause she looks and sounds so good now. This is still my biggest disappointment of this game.
I agree, yeah
I absolutely love her movie design and am really considering labbing her a lot tonight, but why are they so obsessed with making her technology woman? So many classic characters get all their old school shit as bass moveset. It’s weird.

Rodney Quillz

And people were freaking out that Sonya didn't look like Bridget Wilson as well as Johnny Cage, freaking whiny fans everywhere! We should be very happy with this.
We weren’t freaking out we were making an observation that happened to be proven wrong(atleast in my opinion)

Settle down on the shilling ok?