Overall dope trailer. Was pleasantly surprised by the Ghostface fatality. What I'm most curious about is: there was a split second showing some towers (like the towers of time from mk11). Is that just something from Invasions or are they hinting at some other single player content thing?
If they are really adding a copy paste mk11 towers of time, 1 year post release thats a pretty wrong move imo.very wrong.
The reason mk11 tot worked for that game is because it had a shit ton of customisation option,and the mode was available at release when everyone was just starting to play the game.Casuals and more competative players alike just jumped in the mode got some cool gear,experianced the unique fights and the mini challange towere.
Players already played this game for a year and its vomit inducing invasions mode,thats essentially TOT but much worse and more generic.Adding mk11 TOT 1 year post release would be like the worst thing to do.It would have to be substantially and fudementally changed for it draw interest.
But in classic nrs fashion we are moments from release yet we dont know jack shit about this new mode.Makes you wonder if it was this crazy new awesome game mode why the hell was it not a part of the marketing for the pack?
The new kk may have answers but i doubt its anything special.