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Kaillera Competitive Pool Proposal


EFL Founder
I would like to suggest that all active UMK3 players with a p2p connection gather to form a somewhat organized pool of play. Now, we can do this one of two ways. Anyone interested can post their name and contact info (a la AIM/MSN) so I can form a random list of rankings, with first being the top player... or we can just post our information and frequent times we are available for playing matches.

It's obviously not nearly as simple to find a decent match on kaillera as it is XBL. All I'm asking is to try this out, even if you have doubts as to your sure participation. So here goes nothing, I suppose I will post first:

Dreamcatcher...AIM - samthesparkykid...usually online every night, early or late

If we get enough people together, we can form some kind of ranked league like below:

1. Joe Blow (current leader)
2. John Doe
3. John Smith
4. MK King
5. Top Tier

And if we form a list, we will then put together the rules as far as advancing up the ladder or dropping with losses/inactivity. So if you play kaillera AT ALL, give it a shot. It can't hurt.
can i sign up? i have a great connection and i have p2p. if anyone wants to test connection with me let me know, this way i am %100 certain my p2p and everything else works.

im down, i main in MK2. but i also play mk1 and umk3.im about a 8.0 out of 10 and i usually play with: KIKI, kensi, wazz, darkmoon, kanomk2, marvirasta. i can hold my own in umk3 and ill be good comp for all the really good umk3 players or a good beat up doll for them,haha

can i join this?


EFL Founder
dookiebrain said:
can i sign up? i have a great connection and i have p2p. if anyone wants to test connection with me let me know, this way i am %100 certain my p2p and everything else works.

im down, i main in MK2. but i also play mk1 and umk3.im about a 8.0 out of 10 and i usually play with: KIKI, kensi, wazz, darkmoon, kanomk2, marvirasta. i can hold my own in umk3 and ill be good comp for all the really good umk3 players or a good beat up doll for them,haha

can i join this?
Of course you can join. My original idea was to just stick with a UMK3 plan, but if people want to include MK1 or 2, the idea is more than welcome.


EFL Founder
This is good, all these players are reliable since they're active. Scheisse, can we start an official league? Maybe give out trophies and stuff?


am down wit this. BTW am a uk player and i gt my p2p running. has soon has am finshed seeding my Cosby show season 1 torrent i upoaded the other day

aim= wazz56