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Just how fast is 60 frames a second?


Nightwolf of the galaxy
So we all know that MK, and most if not all fighters run at 60 FPS (frames.per second) this is really fast, but too fast for our eyes to differentiate.
So we shall use our ears.

It is common in practicing music to use a metronome, a device that keeps a steady number of BPM (beats per minute) usually around 40-200. So lets step that up. Since they are using two different time scales, we will do some easy math. 60fps, with 60 seconds in a minute= 3600 frames per minute. (Essentially this just means you are seeing a slide show of 3600 pictures every minute you play MK)

this video goes to 3800 bpm, slightly faster than MK, but it suits our purposes just fine.

Enjoy, and be even more impressed with 1 frame links.


A prop on the stage of life.
2000/3800 sound like assault rifles/lmgs from cod. lol 60 fps is the basically the fastest the human eye can handle. There are plenty of people who play games at like 80+ fps, but the action is so fast and jerky and the animations generally look disjointed.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
2000/3800 sound like assault rifles/lmgs from cod. lol 60 fps is the basically the fastest the human eye can handle. There are plenty of people who play games at like 80+ fps, but the action is so fast and jerky and the animations generally look disjointed.
3800 is like your whole mw3 team with akimbo rapid fire fng9s
2000/3800 sound like assault rifles/lmgs from cod. lol 60 fps is the basically the fastest the human eye can handle. There are plenty of people who play games at like 80+ fps, but the action is so fast and jerky and the animations generally look disjointed.
Damn....I miss the days of playing twitch shooters like Quake, Unreal and Timesplitters.

Rip Torn

2000/3800 sound like assault rifles/lmgs from cod. lol 60 fps is the basically the fastest the human eye can handle. There are plenty of people who play games at like 80+ fps, but the action is so fast and jerky and the animations generally look disjointed.
When a PC game is running faster than 60fps, you probably don't get to see the extra frames unless the monitor can handle that rate. Also, it's not speeding up the animation/gameplay within the game itself, just adding more frames in between.


I play Counter Strike Source at like 150 - 300fps with v-sync off, but my monitor is only 60hz, so it really doesn't matter. 60fps is just fine, I think I read somewhere that the human eye could only see 30? Maybe I'm wrong.

I think it has more to do with, when the frame rates dip, they are still more than acceptable.
ehhh, depends on which one. I still consider Goldeneye the greatest FPS of all time due to how many hours of my teen years I wasted on it with my friends.

Word. I concur. Bringing my controller to school, and going strait to my boys house after school. 10 heads one 64 no homework. GE started it all.