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Just got an Eightarc Fusion

Was using the PDP 360 stick with an IL stick and buttons, but I wanted a dual system stick, and the buttons a little closer together. I know this really is a Quanba q4 with a couple little differences and a higher price, but I did not want to wait.

Upon opening it it seems to be a very good quality stick. All Sanwa parts, and overall I like the feel of the Eightarc compared to the PDP, but it will take a little transitioning. I did some modding from the start, adding a bat top, and physically rewiring the buttons to an MK like format, so it is always set up to do MK without button mapping. The extra button is throw. I removed the two extra buttons and used the provided blanks. I also tried all three gates, and settled on octagonal to start. I am a Mileena main, and I can ias like a mofo with the octagonal gate.

Tech note: If you move the actual wiring to remap the buttons like I have, it is a common setup but the triggers are fed from a different board. When you move the position of the triggers (rt/r2, lt/l2) you must move both wires, but for the other buttons you only need to move the colored wire. The buttons you cross the wiring on will not work otherwise.

Don't have pics at the moment, but may add them soon. My next move is a custom plexi that covers the holes I used blanks on, and custom artwork. Anyone into that project? I'd pay of course, but it's not going to happen right away... I just dropped $200 on this thing if you count the accessories I bought.