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[Jun 29, 2013] Armchair Black-Belt Tournament (Greater Cincinnati Area) (Cincinnati, OH)

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I did not see a thread for this, so I thought that I would go ahead and copy the following from the SRK forums. There are more details on the Facebook page for this, which I will post later this evening when I have access to Facebook:

For those who in the greater Cincinnati Area, on June 29 from noon to 8pm its The Armchair Black-belt Tournament!! The event will be at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College 3520 Central Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45219. event fee $6.00 and the entrance fee is $10.00. The games at the tournament will be Ultimate Marvel V.s. Capcom 3, Tekken Tag 2, and Injustice Gods Among us. we are accepting donations for the Wounded Warrior project and the Freestore food bank of Greater Cincinnati at the event. Prizes will be "Split the pot" and other prizes and food and drink will be provided. Hope to see you there.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
As promised, here is the full description via its Facebook page:

On June 29 The Armchair Black-belt Tournament event fee $6.00 and the entrance fee is $10.00. The games at the tournament will be Ultimate Marvel V.s. Capcom 3, Tekken Tag 2, Injustice Gods Among us, and Vampire Savior! We are accepting donations for the Wounded Warrior project and the Free store food bank of Greater Cincinnati at the event. The venue fee that's collected will be split up between the two different charity organizations.

Information for the wounded warrior project can be found here


Information for the Freestore Food bank can be found here.


Payout will be a 60/25/15 split of the pot. We'll have chips, cookies, pop, water and doughnuts on hand for anyone wanting a small snack!

Here are the rules as follows.

Registration will begin at 11:00 am, and the first event will begin at 12pm.

INJUSTICE will be 2/3 double elimination 99 seconds. Grand finals will be 3/5. The tournament will begin at 12pm. This will be played on Ps3.

TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 will run 3 rounds, 2/3 sets. Grand finals will be 3/5. I'm pretty sure the stander timer is set to 80 seconds but please correct me if I'm mistaken. The tournament will begin at 2pm. This will be played on Ps3

UMVC3 will be on Xbox(yay?). 3/5 matches double elimination, 99 seconds. Grand finals are 3/5 sets as well. If both players request to play on Ps3 they are able to. If the two players can't decide between which console, we will default to the 360. The tournament will begin at 3:30pm.

Vampire Savior will be available on Xbox, or literally any console that is preferred. I'm not sure if either console runs the game better so if there's a preference PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I assume it runs 2/3 99 seconds with grand finals 3/5. If Vsav runs differently, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and I'll adjust accordingly.

The pots for each event will be split 60/25/15.

In addition to the money there will be also be a raffle happening during the event. Raffle tickets are a dollar each, or 5 for $4. So if you buy 4 raffle tickets, the 5th one is free!

There will be three different prizes to be raffled off. The first of which will be a $25 gift card to Gamestop. The second prize will be a Turtlebeach Headset. The model number is PX21 and all of the information on it is shown here.


The third and final prize will be a Madcatz brand Xbox 360 fight stick! The art style is Street Fighter X Tekken by default but unfortunately it won't be dual modded :(.

I'll be updating this info regularly to keep everyone as informed as possible. If anyone has any questions comments or concerns please let me know and I'll address them as they come.


Invite as many people as you can and have fun guys!


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Fiance's b-day on the 30th so this is a no go. I probably wouldn't have been able to go anyways though since I didn't know about it before today.