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juice here


Skerptor And Shuan Tsi
some of you might know me from the #mortalkombat room on efnet as juice`. i've been lurking since early this year about mk info and figured i'd start posting.

mk2011, not only being my first "3d" mk (as in, the first non completely 2d mk i've played) is also my first xbox 360 game. i literally bought an xbox just for this game and have been having a blast online. hopefully i'll be able to swing by some of the texan tournies going around, i see there's some action in dallas i could get in on

anyways, i main reptile and am learning nightwolf and sektor on the side. so far i've gotten reppy's 34% (37%) completely down and almost never drop it, but god damn if i cannot seem to get the neutral jump punch off the whiffed elbow dash on the 45%. hopefully i will be able to do this with input lag atleast.

XBL Gamertag: notjuice

i was also wondering, other than brady's guide, any more info on nightwolf? maybe some good vids or something, i rather liked the intro reptile vid. i hope to see more of those.


Skerptor And Shuan Tsi
Welcome to TYM, if you want anything to new about Night Wolf, I'm your man.
i definitely do. already been checking brady's guide, though there wasn't all that much i didn't already know via practice mode. though its nice to know the projectile "priorities" vs his shield.

i had discovered the ->31 mini string being very competent as far as catching juggles and linking to other stuff, though its nice to know that there isn't much of a better string. at the moment im avoiding 1221 as it seems to have a hideous tendency to negative edge his grab instead of a hatchet. what a pain. i wish there was a user option to turn negative edge off and on as needed for certain characters (for example negative edge tends to help me on reptile when im getting off tight combos in lots of lag, allowing me to simplify inputs more). but on nightwolf, sheeesh. im just doing moves i dont want to do all over the plave, regardless of input.


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Hope you make yourself at home at TYM. I main Scrub-Zero and I'm still getting used to his match-ups so if you want, I wouldn't mind having your reptile as a sparring partner. Shoot me a friend request, XoX GZUS XoX, when you get a chance.