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Joysticks and Hit Boxes and Pads...decisions...

So I'm a pad warrior - nothing special by any means in Mortal Kombat.

I find a lot of stuff specifically difficult to do with the pad, and I want to switch up to a different controller.

Mainly run cancels, run cancels out of a special into an attack, and performing air projectiles immediately after a jump are on the top of the list of tough stuff to get.

Question on my mind is should I get a Hit Box or a stick...

I realize a hit box would probably be optimal for MK X due to the way the inputs are setup in the game engine - but I don't want to be stuck with something that's going to be garbage for other fighters that require diagonal inputs.

Especially if I could possibly pull off the harder stuff on a pad with a joystick just as easily as I could on a hit box.

Now I know at the end of the day this is all preference and each person is different - I'd just like to hear opinions from people who have used both.

Should I pick up a hit box or a stick for my next controller? Your thoughts?


I put together my own hitbox like controller and its my favorite. buttons for directions helps reduce input mistakes. a stick is also fun, and not having to move your fingers to press buttons since they are already over them. because of that I personally find sticks or hb superior to pad, but ymmv. and you'll ne relearning to play again so you'll be worse initially than you are on pad, but I think its been worth it. if you do decide to ditch the pad, never go back to using it until you've learned stick or you'll just make it harder to learn and might lose motivation.
I wound up going with a Hit Box - I already play plenty of games on PC with a keyboard, and while I know the UP and DOWN are sort of reversed on the Hit Box - plenty of games I play have SPACE as the jump button, so it should be easy enough to transition.

Learning the right hand will take some time, but I grew up in arcades back when Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat were all we had for fighting games and you couldn't get them on the console, so there IS some muscle memory in there - somewhere.

Does anyone have recommendations on sticks, though? I'm figuring on just getting a Mad Catz TE2 for the Ps4 that's coming out at the end of this month - unless there's something better on the market?
Personally I was a pad warrior as well, got the injustice stick with the game when it came out, but still preferred the pad. Then I got myself a Hitbox and man oh man do I love the thing! I'd highly recommend the hitbox. It takes a little while to get used to but it's worth it. I'm playing MKX on PC with it. However, if your playing on ps4 or xbone I'm not sure if they have made one for those consoles yet so you might have to make your own.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Just get a hitbox. I cant play stick or pad for shit but Hitbox just feels right.


I wound up going with a Hit Box - I already play plenty of games on PC with a keyboard, and while I know the UP and DOWN are sort of reversed on the Hit Box - plenty of games I play have SPACE as the jump button, so it should be easy enough to transition.

Learning the right hand will take some time, but I grew up in arcades back when Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat were all we had for fighting games and you couldn't get them on the console, so there IS some muscle memory in there - somewhere.

Does anyone have recommendations on sticks, though? I'm figuring on just getting a Mad Catz TE2 for the Ps4 that's coming out at the end of this month - unless there's something better on the market?
I use a ps4 te2 and it works great