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Joystick Or Controller


I was just curious if anyone else plays with a joystick, the d-pad is very hard for me to use (espcially xbox d-pads due to how much they suck) and holding LT for xbox while using the analog stick is not fun.


I play that game with an umk3 stick (AIAB) and it just looks as if the game was designed for that layout. (The run button is the 3D button)
sticks are too noisy at nighttime.

I use to try using mine when my GF fell asleep or when she watched TV....didn't work out so well

You can use the UMK3 layout for MKvsDC???



Yep, I use my AIAB for MKDC...

HP = 1
HK = 2
LP = 3
LK = 4
Block = well... block...
Run = 3d movement
1+3(HP+LP) = Throw
2+4(HK+LK) = Close Kombat
Block + 3d(Block+Run) = Rage