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Johnny change wishlist


I originally wanted to post this in @FOREVER KING JR 's new thread but it was too long to comment it so instead i'm posting it here
Changes marked with an asterisk * at the start are optional, the ones that aren't are marked imo are necessary

The gist of it is that these changes are made for Johnny's neutral to be stronger but his pressure more tricky both to exit and to execute (also a minor defensive nerf on parry), but also to allow him more opportunities to use Hype Mode often since currently it is hardly worth going for as opposed to just staying in Normal Mode for the whole match

1) Normal Mode Normals and Strings:
  • *Decrease walking speed
  • Increase initial speed of his dashes
  • *Decrease health to 70% (from 90%)
  • S112 cancelable into Hype and Woving Out on hit (from being unable to cancel into any specials)
  • S114 cancelable into specials on hit (from being unable to cancel into any specials)
  • Make F1 +2 On Block (from +3 On Block)
  • Make S2 +2 On Block (from +4 On Block)
  • *Make S2144 -10 On Block (from -6)
  • Change it so that D2 always has the same knock up height when used on a grounded opponent, even if they were in a long juggle just before (this change should be universal imo)
  • *B3 should be cancelable into Jump on hit, be -30 On Block (from -13), have 44f recovery (from 31f) and increased startup to 15f (from 10f)
  • F32's startup should be decreased to 11f (from 17f) to remove the gap in the string
  • Make F34 +2 On Block
  • Make D3 be +16 On Hit (from +12)
  • F4 startup should be decreased to 20f (from 28f) and be -10 On Block (from -5)
  • Jump Kick should have its active frames decreased to 4f (from 8f) and it's frontal horizontal hitbox reduced
2) Normal Mode Specials:
  • All Hype Build specials should have their input changed to Input+Stance Switch (from Input then Stance Switch), like for example BD1+SS from BD1 then SS
  • BD1 (Hype) should still have the punch portion of the attack and then cancel out into the Hype Build animation (from skipping the punch and going straight into the Hype Build animation)
  • EX BD1 should do 12% damage (from 7%) and be +25 on hit (from +6)
  • Increase damage/gravity scaling from DB1 and EX DB1
  • DB3 (Hype) should act like EX DB1 from MKX (Doing the Rising Shoulder and then flip kicking the opponent down) and then go into the Hype Build animation, and the Hype Build animation should be cancelable halfway through to be safe at the cost of not building as much Hype (from being stuck in the animation and only being safe to use after a round end)
  • Make BF4 do 9% damage (from 8%) and EX BF4 do 14% damage (from 11%)
  • BF4 (Hype)'s Hype Build animation should be cancelable halfway through to make it safe to use in a match at the cost of not building as much Hype (Same as DB3 Hype)

3) Hype Mode Normals and Strings:
  • *Add ability to Kara Cancel S114/S2144/F34/S44 into EX DB1 or EX DF3
  • *Make F123/D2/S44/B4 cancelable into specials and Summons during Hype Mode (from being unable to cancel into any specials)
  • *Decrease D2's damage scaling to 10% during Hype Mode (from around 50%) and make it cancelable into Jumps meterlessly
  • *Make Forward Throw be replaced with Shove regardless of wether a Kameo's out or not
  • *Make Shove cancel into normals during recovery (from being unable to combo without a Kameo)
  • *Make every hit of Back Throw cancelable into specials but disable calling Kameos for the rest of the combo
4) Hype Mode Specials:
  • Hype Mode should last 20 seconds (from 11 seconds)
  • Make specials don't have their EX attributes by default (from having them by default) but allow you to meterlessly do their EX versions at the cost of taking 2 second's worth of Hype Mode duration
  • *All Specials should be cancelable into normals on hit or block (from only being cancelable into specials, Summons and FB)
  • Decrease DB1 and EX DB1's damage/gravity scaling to be lower than it currently is (only in Hype Mode)
  • Double DF3 and EX DF3's travel distances during Hype Mode
  • Doing FDB4 during Hype Mode should allow you to manually exit it and keep the remaining Hype Meter
  • *Make Fatal Blow be able to Kara Cancel into any special if done during Hype Mode (from only being cancelable into DF3)
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