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John Koller of Sony Mentions Mortal Kombat for Vita


An interview conducted at the CES with Sony's John Koller goes over what Sony is looking to have the Playstation Vita actually be and more. At about the 5 minute mark in the video below he mentions Mortal Kombat after "Launch, MLB, Mortal Kombat..." so that leads us to think that maybe Mortal Kombat will be one of the first titles to be released? After listening to the video we can also appreciate the fact that only select games are being chosen as they obviously cannot release 100 games for the system due to vendor space (shelf space at GameStop, ToyRUs, etc). So Mortal Kombat peeps, be happy and thankful if you intend on getting a Vita!

Thanks to https://twitter.com/#!/MK_Online/status/157659417347751936
