There is a very interesting article floating around on Neogaf. In this article Jaxel illustrates what it is like being snuffed out as one of the insiders within the FGC. I'm curious what everyone here thinks.
Before anyone faults big TO's for wanting to make money or potentially profiting from the events. I don't think that is what needs to be focused on. Shit if I had the opportunity to make money running events I would do it in a heart beat. I've put in a ton of effort streaming/throwing events and have never seen a dime, that being said its no where near the amount of work you see from people like Jaxel or Jebaily put in.
Before anyone faults big TO's for wanting to make money or potentially profiting from the events. I don't think that is what needs to be focused on. Shit if I had the opportunity to make money running events I would do it in a heart beat. I've put in a ton of effort streaming/throwing events and have never seen a dime, that being said its no where near the amount of work you see from people like Jaxel or Jebaily put in.