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General/Other - Jax Jax midscreen combo after patch 8/31/15 (on PC)


Ancestors... oh, nevermind

I'd like to tell about this tricky combo once again.

Recently, I wanted to ask a question about patch 8/31 changes.
I play MKX on PC, and after patch as well (which comes on pc at 9/1), instead of make it easily to connect his midscreen combo after EX Ddf, it becomes impossible to do (except 1,2~EX ddf).
At the same time I saw comments and videos in Jax threads about changes, that make his combos consistent.
I went to lab and try again and again, but get nothing, and it was really frustrating.

And, only today my Steam client finally download small fix, it called “9/8 Balance Update”.
I checked it out and finally be able to connect this f****** combo!!!

Maybe it’s kinda captain obvious thing, anyway…
Now I can consistently connect ***~EX ddf-F2,1~ from any normal/starter, that allows to connect specials(include 1,2,3). Male and female characters both.
Exclusion is b3,4 string. Anyway, it’s possible to land b3~ EX Ddf~, and get similar damage from 14-frame low starter.
Other thing, that against some male characters (excepr F/T and maybe some others) it’s possible to land from upclose range:
b3,4~EX Ddf-F2,1,2,d+2+4 = 35%,
or b3,4~EX Ddf-F2,1,Gg = 39%(in Pumped Up variation).
But this one hard to land.

Good news, that after patch jax can combo 1,2,3~ EX Ddf~
Now your opponent forced to guess 3-rd hit as 50/50 low/overhead(without gaps), and if he guess wrong, he gets full combo(35+%). Before patch 1,2,3(hit)~ leads for 13-23% damage.
Then, if opponent guesed right 1,2,3 - on 4-th hit he forced to stand because of regular or EX Ddf possibility.
In this case you can Gg(-4 on block), Dp(-7 on block, but it’s hard to punish by 6-7 frame moves), or Ew(+7).
Ew on block let you to continue pressure, but (1,2) 3~Ew has a gap after 3, about 10 frames.
Anyway, definitely not bad situation for you with some possibilities on block, and opponent still forces to guess.

A small digression.
They say, that Gotcha grab was nerfed and startup had changed to 9 frames. Well, as far as I remember, it always was 9 frames.
Gg/Ex Gg (for Wrester and HW) is 9 frames from day one.
Gg (for Pumped Up) is 11 frames and Ex Gg is 7 frames from day one.

Is it necessary to say, that when game just came out, frame data was wrong, and Gg was specified as 8 frames start-up in move list, but later developers corrected it.

Thanks for reading, I hope this thread will help somebody.

By the way, Jax is completely beast now!

Still got it! (c)



Yeah I feel like these changes tremendously helped Jax. They were fixes rather than buffs. Him having good consistent damage midscreen vs males and females is huge and gets a legit 50/50 off his standing 1.