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I'm just going to come out and call it. If there's a 5th DLC it's going to be Jason or if they make a second wave of DLC then Jason will be the last mystery guy in that lineup.


kool guy
This Freddy drama is a once in a lifetime event. You go to that thread and poke fun at people now, cause you might not have this chance again.

BTW, I think Jason is a bit more fit for a fighting game. If he does get in- I'll love it.


I'm just going to come out and call it. If there's a 5th DLC it's going to be Jason or if they make a second wave of DLC then Jason will be the last mystery guy in that lineup.
Nah I dont think he will be the NEXT one or the mystery one either. It'd be too cliche to be the mystery, and as for Jason being the next DLC, it would upset a lot of people. Just check out whats happening right now with the whole Freddy ordeal. Not a lot of people are excited for him. More are kind of disappointed and raging. Now I'm not saying he wont be here in the near future, just not right away. Maybe. Just maybe.
Nah I dont think he will be the NEXT one or the mystery one either. It'd be too cliche to be the mystery, and as for Jason being the next DLC, it would upset a lot of people. Just check out whats happening right now with the whole Freddy ordeal. Not a lot of people are excited for him. More are kind of disappointed and raging. Now I'm not saying he wont be here in the near future, just not right away. Maybe. Just maybe.
Normally I'd agree but it's pretty clear Freddy was aimed more to attract non fans then to make fans happy. A lot of people who don't consider themselfs as fans are suddenly picking this game up for Freddy alone. Once WB see's they make a lot of money out of this stunt alone they probably will think about trying to sneak Jason in a second lineup of DLC that have more MK fighters we know or are new like Skarlet as well as new skins.

Maybe they will or maybe they won't. We'll have to wait and see but my gut is saying that once they see how many people buy this game for Freddy alone they'll try it again in the fall with Jason fans.


I Will Kill You For Sport.
Personally i dont mind them bringing Freddy and even if they bring Jason, i was at 1st a little anoyed but then realised that it might be a good way of keeping the MK9 spark alive and may even bring more people to MK9 which is a good thing. But as long as they bring more Mortal Kombat characters to the game then the odd 1 or 2 guests characters seems ok to me to be honest. But i do admit Freddy vs Jason in a fight would be funny :)


But i do admit Freddy vs Jason in a fight would be funny :)
Lol I was just thinking that. Two scary genre icons going at it toe to toe with some epic fighting moves. I'd throw down some money to see top level players play these two against each other =]


I Will Kill You For Sport.
haha yeh would be funny top players going at it with these characters, personally i think i would pay as well :)
as much as i want jason in this game (and i really do) , He just won't work for a alot of reasons. 1.WTF Is his story gonna be, someone for the netherealm kidnapped his mom or while he was roaming crystal lake he fought shao khan and got his ass whooped then wants revenge, or shang tsung makes a deal with him that if he wins he'll give him a brain so he could be a better murderer and won't have to listen to his mom. the story just won't make sense.
2.I Seen every Jason movie and jason is known for being a slow killer, if he does make it on the game he'll probably have a slower moveset the sheeva, it won't look right see jason jump or dash or block for crying out loud lol.
3.what will his fatalites be, his xray, his damn ending won't make sense because its jason. I Love jason but no it just wouldn't work
I think Jason could work in many ways. Think about it. A lot of people made jokes about Freddy. I seen lots of people do it. Saying he doesn't fit and stuff like that, and his story wouldn't make sense but the people at NRS are smart and can come up with some cool stuff. Hell, a lot of people in MK don't really fit. Look at Johnny Cage. It's almost like if they put James Bond as a DLC character. Johnny Cage is a movie star who's in a tournament with ninjas and monsters. :confused:

In all honesty, come on..they made MK vs DC. Was not that great. Especially with Superman, who is supposed to be nearly invincible LOL. Truth is if MK vs DC was possible, then there is a TON of ideas they could do for MK 9. Blade, Wesker, Jason, maybe even Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural lol. I can picture Dean's intro at the beginning of a fight...

"You are one ugly son of a *****."

And their story could be they are hunting Shao Khan. Cause that's what they do in the show. Hunt monsters and demons. Would fit so well lol.

Point is...I would like to see Jason, and a heck of a lot of others in this game.
2.I Seen every Jason movie and jason is known for being a slow killer, if he does make it on the game he'll probably have a slower moveset the sheeva, it won't look right see jason jump or dash or block for crying out loud lol.
Although your first point makes sense I would like to remind you that in Friday the 13th 2 and 3 alone Jason is seen chasing people (like actually running not just slowly walking and magically appearing =P) but I don't know what his story would be and they should've added a Nightmare on Elm Street stage. I mean Boon did say in an interview that he wanted to do downloadable characters, costumes, FATALITIES, AND ARENAS, and I've only really seen the first two don't really consider the preorder fatalities enough to say it has DLC fatalities XD. Anywho I digress, what would his fatalities or X-Ray be? C'mon Jason has the highest body count of any slasher in the horror industry, they could choose 2 for fatalities and one less devastating one as an X-Ray rather easily XD, and I would love to see his mongoloid baby form in his babality XD.
Back in March/February I heard a rumor that Freddy and Jason were coming to MK. Someone from WB/NRS then denied it "wholeheartedly".

I all but forgot about it until they announced Freddy. >: |

I would put good money on there being Jason in the game around halloween time.
I've heard that Jason is already developed or is being developed now. Depending on Freddy's sales (which are probably going to end up being good) I would also be willing to bet Jason sees the light of day.
Although your first point makes sense I would like to remind you that in Friday the 13th 2 and 3 alone Jason is seen chasing people (like actually running not just slowly walking and magically appearing =P) but I don't know what his story would be and they should've added a Nightmare on Elm Street stage. I mean Boon did say in an interview that he wanted to do downloadable characters, costumes, FATALITIES, AND ARENAS, and I've only really seen the first two don't really consider the preorder fatalities enough to say it has DLC fatalities XD. Anywho I digress, what would his fatalities or X-Ray be? C'mon Jason has the highest body count of any slasher in the horror industry, they could choose 2 for fatalities and one less devastating one as an X-Ray rather easily XD, and I would love to see his mongoloid baby form in his babality XD.
damn ur right he did do that damn its been years since i seen part 2 n 3 of friday the 13th :wow: honestly i wouldn't complain if i seen jason now and it woukd be even better even though i know its a loooong shot if crystal lake was a downloadable stage i just wouldn't know what the stage fatality would be:confused: but i change my opinion and now i could see jason as dlc since his fatalities would be short but brutal


Don't give up!
Ehh, as long as they play well and aren't console exclusive I don't care who they add. I'll buy it for completion's sake. Only problem is I don't (and never will) watch horror movies since I'm a big, blubbering man-child. I feel so out of the loop with Freddy alone, lol.