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James Chen's comment...

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I think it's directed towards the arenas & the stage gimmicks.
Whereas MK9 is all hand-to-hand-to-specials combat, it seems like DC is gonna make the environmental setting and the superhuman nature of the cast just as important to the fight, ala Superman's Plunge You Out Of The Fucking Sky special, Batman knocking people through buildings, and so forth.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
I never liked them asians to begin with...:eek:

He's kinda right but at the same time, i think he's probably thinking it should look stupid like mvc3. So as much knowledge he has on fighters, don't take his opinion seriously guys, he has a somewhat biased mind on that matter.

DC is not like marvel...DC is a bit more "real" as he says, this is the type of art style that the DC universe deserves...and needs. Imagine Joker in the mvc3 art style...he'd be as stupid as phoenix wright.

As i said, don't take his opinions too seriously.


James Chen has always been critical of Mortal Kombat. I don't know why he even cares.

The only point he's making is that he believes Mortal Kombat and DC can't mesh well together. MKvsDC still did fine for what it was, and this being a DC only fighter it'll be strictly its own thing (even though it'll borrow aspects from MK's style).


lol read his other tweets about the situation. he just believes the injustice trailer wasnt all that impressive .. he doesnt like the realistic approach the game takes he wants the classic comic book flare to it

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
What does MK have to do with it?

This is meant to be completely different. Everyone has their own interpretations. And thats what can make this amazing.