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ITT: Post a character and what move they have you are most excited about


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
To be fair though NO GIMMICKS.
That means no Flash time slow, Green Arrow Arrow types or Luthor Armor, etc. I want to know what moves and not super abilities that augment these moves have you the most pumped.

Simple concept, but a fun one. This lets us see what sort of tools each of us enjoy the most or believe are the most powerful.

For me?

  • GREEN ARROW: Slide. Looks to be a great way under zoning and it even extends combos
  • GRUNDY: Seismic stomp. Looks more hittable than swamp hands and is a pretty fast and long ranged low for him to start stuff with.
  • LUTHOR: The Jumping Ax move. Huuuuuuuuge range. Haggar would be proud.
You get the idea...post away.

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
Grundy's gotcha grab looks fast im hoping it at the most 10fr move

Bane's kick normal with hella range

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Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
I just wanna annoy the hell out of people with Green Arrow's arrows <3. be like Freddy except I'll belong in the game.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
superman's sweeping laser/divepunch
Im gonna second that Superman Laser. That things gonna be a bitch to contend with for some folks. Grundy am Cry if he jump up and does it outside his AA range.


DEATHSTROKE= Spiral sword. That things is gonna suuuuuuuck to deal with if you rely on jump ins.


Nightwing - His Rod Stance
Grundy - Command Grab Chains

Edited Thanks to this guy's post under me :cool:


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I think from Aquaman my favorite has to be summoning that trident from underneath folks. Thats a douchebag move if ever I saw one. I hated fighting that shit vs Kyosuke in the CvS games, and against Dormammu in MvC3 and I'll likely hate fighting against that sort of stuff now in I:GAU.

Also rom Wonder Woman I gotta say I dig her Flying Dive punches. Very similar to old school Rogue with that and its really fast.
Kratos and that one special where he throws a chained blade that stabs and impales the opponent then spins him around once and slams him on the ground. #MakeItHappenSony
I'm liking Captain Marvel / Shazam's Ashura Senku-style teleports.

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
that c'mere move lex has where he sucks them in , also lexs super and his rediculously long grab that got stopped in the battle arena vid i really wanna see wot it does :eek:

GGA Fill Pops

The Ultimate Bastich
Billy Batson. His tackle move where the enhanced version he yells SHAZAM and a lightning bolt hits your opponent leading to anither combo. I really hope this is an unblockable command grab.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Batman's butterfly kick. Looks like its fast and may overhead and it definitely won't be vulnerable to lows. Might be a good on reaction answer for folks with dashup lows like The Flash.