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Is there a reason MK's online is so laggy?


PSN: SoaD_009
I've been playing this game off and on now since it started and I recently came back after playing a lot of SS4. I must say the online between the two games is night and day. Seriously I don't understand how NRS did such a terrible job. If they don't fix it for Injustice then there is no reason to even play.


Gamespy and sub-par netcode.

Also, no reason to play a game with a huge story mode, tons of unlockable content and 240 star lab missions because of online....



Maybe I'll have something to say ... Probably not
In another thread Tom Brady said igau has better online than mk9 he also answered alot more questions about the game
Reactions: RYX
Hopefully NRS stepped up their game and made a better netcode for IGAU. In any event, if the netcode does suck once again, at least this time around they spent alot of resources working on the A.I and the training mode. The A.I on the highest difficulty is completely broken and utilizes all the tools available, they even do insane juggles on you.


PSN: SoaD_009
A bit late for this thread...
Yea I just never realized how bad it was until I started playing other fighters online. And to think I used to try and defend MK's online. I'm a failure =\

In another thread Tom Brady said igau has better online than mk9 he also answered alot more questions about the game
Yea I saw that but of course he is gonna say the online will be good. I don't think I've seen him say one negative thing about the game.


PSN: SoaD_009
Hopefully NRS stepped up their game and made a better netcode for IGAU. In any event, if the netcode does suck once again, at least this time around they spent alot of resources working on the A.I and the training mode. The A.I on the highest difficulty is completely broken and utilizes all the tools available, they even do insane juggles on you.
Yea even on hard (not very hard) Wonder Woman did a 43% combo to my poor Batman ._.
Honestly if I start this game up and see the Gamespy logo...
Haha I'm right there with you. What kills me too about MK's online is that literally everyone has a 4 bar connection. What is the requirement for having 4 bars? 56k modem?


Yea even on hard (not very hard) Wonder Woman did a 43% combo to my poor Batman ._.

Haha I'm right there with you. What kills me too about MK's online is that literally everyone has a 4 bar connection. What is the requirement for having 4 bars? 56k modem?
it's a weird glitch on the PS3 port, you can't tell who has a good connection or not. :/