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Is my MK about to die?


I'm on a 360.

So i've been trying to play some games tonight, and more and more are freezing at the load screen, and I mean freeze. No "game session is finished", frozen and I have to restart the console as I cant access the 360 Dash Board.

I even had a guy just rage quit and the game froze then.

Anyone else had a similar problem before?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I though you asked if MK is about to die, not if you having problems playing online.

For the Tittle question: No MK will never die, this game keeps getting more alive day by day.

As for the Thread 360 my internet sucks so i can't answer, everytime i connect MK online it gets heavy has hell.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I've also been having problems with my MK9 disc (PS3) and the other games play fine, but I see no scratches on my disc...i'm puzzled.


Well I haven't played MK since making this thread, just tried to go into Practice mode, game freezes at load screen. Ffs, not looking good..


Joker waiting room
Maybe the constant freezing is a sign of your console having the flu.

otherwise if sonya hasn't scratched the disc while having magma hot rough sex with cage then i suspect the console.

if wild sex scratches are present,grab a cloth and start wiping,if they don't go away,you have your answer.

check your other discs as well.

you might need to delete your save data (not progress or dlc) and reinstall,it always fixed the problem with people who's copies kept freezing (i've read it on another forum and a personal friend of mine had the issue)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
I'm on a 360.
^ theres your problem right there ^

but seriously if the disc seems fine and your internet is running fine (not on console) then its prob a problem with the console. can xbox's hard reset? i hard reset my ps3 when its giving me crap (on ps u just hold down the power button till it beeps)


After a disastrous bout of online gameplay Sunday morning I decided I needed a break from the game and to just not bother with online anymore, sticking to my offline casuals, but now that I cant even access Practice mode, story mode, ladder mode, any mode, the disc is useless. I can get into the character select, but after that the game freezes.

Yeah, gave the disc a wipe, still the same. Just booted up SSF IV AE and Skyrim, no problems there. Edit: after close inspection, just discovered a rather obvious scratch, more visual than the usual sex scratches...i suspect that's the culprit.

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I really, really hope its just this game and not my 360 about to die.

Just about to buy MK KE on Amazon, as I have a tournie middle of May and I cant not be able to practice between now and then, except for one offline casual that will occur.

Tim Static

After a disastrous bout of online gameplay Sunday morning I decided I needed a break from the game and to just not bother with online anymore, sticking to my offline casuals, but now that I cant even access Practice mode, story mode, ladder mode, any mode, the disc is useless. I can get into the character select, but after that the game freezes.

Yeah, gave the disc a wipe, still the same. Just booted up SSF IV AE and Skyrim, no problems there. Edit: after close inspection, just discovered a rather obvious scratch, more visual than the usual sex scratches...i suspect that's the culprit.

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I really, really hope its just this game and not my 360 about to die.

Just about to buy MK KE on Amazon, as I have a tournie middle of May and I cant not be able to practice between now and then, except for one offline casual that will occur.
Buy the full game download, not another disc.
Flagg Well, since it's already dead, rub some toothpaste on your disc, leave it for a while than clean it. Make sure to avoid the inner ring with toothpaste.
Save it to your hard drive while you still can. Then you just need the disc to start the game for recognition purposes. My no longer fucks up since I have done that. It will not play a past the menu screen if I did not have it saved. If you need to buy a used copy from game stop, save it to your HD and take the game back. Then you can use your busted disc for recognition. Thats what I had to do.