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Is it a personal choice to you to choose which game you participate in a tourney?


"On your Knees!"
Like for example in EVO they have MK, IGAU, SF, Marvel, BB, KOF, KI etc. they have different tournaments and which days they have them there, and ppl say "Ive been playing SF but now Im on MK or IGAU" and vice versa. Is it matter of personal choice you dont participate in that specific tournament even knowing you have in depth knowledge and MU about the game? or is it b/c you straight up got bored with it


"On your Knees!"
The gist to reply to all the "Wuts" If you know that there is gonna be a game at a certain tourney, and you played the game before extensively, would you still play the game? or just not participate in teh said tourney b/c you didnt like it anymore?


Administrator and Community Engineer
Well I would have to say that if you have prior knowledge of the game, knowing that you have a feel for it extensively, then because there are different tournaments and also different days that they have the tournaments on, it might be a matter of personal choice, but only if you generally choose for it to be. Either that or you are bored.



"On your Knees!"
Well I would have to say that if you have prior knowledge of the game, knowing that you have a feel for it extensively, then because there are different tournaments and also different days that they have the tournaments on, it might be a matter of personal choice, but only if you generally choose for it to be. Either that or you are bored.

I was saying in general b/c soe ppl are picky to which games they play and they "retire" from it etc.