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Is (EWA) Shock playing this MK by now?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I remember of seeing a post of him on early 2011 saying that he was not much impressed by this MK at the time, and he said he will not play this game as much as he played UMK3

This game prooved to be very competitive, some dudes over here are stuck on MK Trilogy with Unlimited Run Gameplay that we develop on 1996, but this one is more balanced in manny ways, and a lot of people play and make them competitive, i'm wondering if he changed his mind.


It isn't so much of him not liking the game, there's things he doesn't like about it sure. I think we all have things about it we don't like. Shock just doesn't have as much time as he used to to play games competitively. He's got alot of other things going on in his life. He still does alot behind the scenes. He plays the game casually when he has time to come to VSM, so he's still around. But he's got alot of other things on his plate to.